All posts filed under: z115

Were lethal viruses allegedly stolen from a Canadian virus lab sent to the Wuhan virus lab?

This story really hasn’t gotten the press it should have. But a CBC story back in June alleges that lethal pathogens may have been stolen from Canada’s only level-4 virus lab in Winnipeg, Manitoba and shipped to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Rio Negro River in Resistencia, Argentina Credit: Google Earth

2006 Argentina – El Negro 666

English: 2006 Argentina – The Black 666 El descubrimiento de Clifford Long y el resurgimiento de la resistencia de la década de 1950 se realizó en el viaje de septiembre de 2005. Regresé a Regina, Saskatchewan con gran emoción y continué orando: “¡Señor, deja que tu avivamiento argentino se mueva hacia el norte, que se abra la Fuente de Resistencia!” Esperaba que estuviéramos progresando y que aparecieran los eventos de avivamiento, pero no conocía ninguna otra razón para regresar a Resistencia. Alejandro Juszczuk tenía otros planes. Siete meses después de nuestro primer viaje, Alejandro preguntó: “¿Vienes de nuevo?” La barrera del idioma (español-inglés) me dificultó saber por qué volvería, pero respeté a este hombre de Dios y pronto mi esposa Trish y yo, junto con otra pareja, tomamos el viaje de 11,500 km a Resistencia. Llegamos en medio de una conferencia. La iglesia de Reyos de Luz tuvo un ministro visitante, Julio Donati, hablando en una conferencia de una semana de duración. El contingente de Regina se registró en el mismo hotel donde me había alojado …

Bridge in Resistencia, Argentina going over Rio Negro River Credit: Google Earth

RESISTENCIA – El Descubrimiento 2005

English: RESISTENCIA – The Discovery 2005 Gary, Robin y yo habíamos viajado a Resistencia, Argentina, para intentar descubrir pruebas que corroboraran la existencia de Clifford Long en el Avivamiento en Resistencia. Beto, nuestro conductor e intérprete llegó al hotel para recogernos y le di instrucciones a Beto de que necesitábamos ir a la zona más antigua de Resistencia. El edificio que buscábamos tenía que tener al menos 50 años. También pregunté a Beto si había un río que corría por el noroeste de Resistencia. “Sí, respondió él, se llama Río Negro”. Beto nos llevó a la zona antigua de la ciudad y cada vez que veíamos un edificio como el que se describía en una profecía, le pedíamos que se detuviera, salíamos y ponía mi mano en la pared del edificio para ver si sentiamos cualquier cosa. Esto lo hicimos unas 4 veces, más tarde descubrí que Beto pensaba que estábamos en la industria del cine y que estábamos buscando un lugar para filmar una película. En el cuarto edificio sentí evidencia en las paredes de …

Church in Lanin National Park, Argentina Credit: javierinsitu/Flickr/Creative Commons

ARGENTINA – ¡Listos o no aquí vamos!

English: ARGENTINA – Ready or not here we come! El mensaje que recibí durante mi Tercera Visita Celestial fue: “QUIERO QUE EL AVIVAMIENTO ARGENTINO SE MUEVA AL NORTE – ¡LA FUENTE DE RESISTENCIA ABIERTA!” No tenía experiencia en la historia del avivamiento y no sabía nada sobre un avivamiento Argentino. Mi única respuesta fue: ¿qué se supone que debo hacer? Elizabeth Barrett Browning en sus Sonetos del portugués hizo una pregunta. “Cómo te amo, déjame conocer tus caminos”. Jesús me ha amado, y yo lo amo de vuelta y por eso quise darle lo que Él deseaba. Cuando mi esposa, Trish, viene a mí y me pregunta: “¿Podemos salir a cenar esta noche?” Mi respuesta es “Puedo hacer que eso suceda” y bendecirla. La visita del 2003 me dejó orando con seriedad “¡DEJA QUE EL AVIVAMIENTO ARGENTINO SE MUEVA AL NORTE – LA FUENTE DE RESISTENCIA ABIERTA!” Cada día más y más, esta oración (intercesión) me sobrepasó a mí y a un grupo de creyentes. Las reuniones de oración y los servicios fueron casi 100% de …

Giving yourself 48 hours Credit: mike Lietz/Flickr/Creative Commons

The ’48 hour’ rule

Many times through various seasons of my life, the voices of my loved ones were calling out to me in the wilderness of my emotions as I circled around the same issues and same people over and over again. They were voices of reason reminding me to calm down in the midst of my emotions that were suddenly triggered. But, how does one calm down when every sense in your body is reacting? I have learned the hard way, when unchecked, emotions send us whirling into bad decisions that often create more havoc, confusion and damage in our personal lives. It’s never about the other person. It’s about you and your emotional well-being. Because of this during times of emotional turmoil, I decide to practice the 48 hour rule that I recently read about. The 48 hour rule puts you in a timeout, gives you space to settle down and allows you to re-evaluate the circumstances once your emotions have calmed. During this two-day period, I don’t make any decisions, send reactionary emails or texts, …

Broken cell phone Credit: Julian/Flickr/Creative Commons

Does Facebook cause depression?

According to a study by researchers from the University of Pennsylvania, there may be a link to depression and loneliness to the amount of time a person spends on social media. In fact, Psychologist Melissa Hunt who was part of the study described the connection between depression and social media usage as “striking.” In their study, published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, the researchers studied the impact social media usage had on 143 undergraduates at the University of Pennsylvania who were struggling with moderate forms of depression. They focused on three social media platforms: Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram. Half the group was limited to using social media just ten minutes a day (tracked by battery usage on their phones) and the other half continued on as normal. When the researchers tested the two groups at the end of three weeks, they discovered that the group with limited usage saw their levels of depression fall from moderate to mild and there was absolutely no change in the other group that continued usage. Though …

John Chau (R) Credit: Daily Mail

Christian missionary’s last words before he was killed by Sentinelese tribesmen

For three years, American John Allen Chau, 26, a graduate of Oral Roberts University, was planning to bring the gospel to a remote tribe on islands in the Indian Sea. In particular he wanted to visit North Sentinel Island, where the isolated Sentinelese tribal group lived. The Indian government had declared the island off-limits because it believed they were the world’s last “pre-Neolithic” tribe. The group was very protective of their privacy. A few years earlier, two fisherman who landed on the island were killed by the tribesmen. Despite the danger, on November 15, 2018, John arranged for fishermen to take him close to the island where he kayaked in. He wrote of his first encounter in a journal that he left on the fisherman’s boat. In the journal, he described his first encounter, his fears and a vision he received and his decision to return to the island. He described the tribesmen as short, 5′ 5″, wearing yellow paint on their face. Some were friendly while others appeared angry and aggressive. He offered them …

Great White Pelicans: Credit: Costel Slincu/Flickr/Creative Commons

Inner healing: My story of three pelicans

In my previous article, I wrote how Jesus wants to bring healing to our inner hurts and when the Lord does this He often takes us back to the point when we were first hurt. Jesus did this for Peter through a charcoal fire and the Lord did it for me through three pelicans. In the summer of 2018 I was at a church senior camp, enjoying all the fun a “senior” can get away with – kayaking, swimming, climbing a climbing wall and practicing karate, as well as tormenting people with a water gun! In the midst of this, I had no idea what God had in mind to complete my healing. Although I had experienced significant healing in the 90’s, there was more to be done. One day at camp the movie “I Can Only Imagine” was going to be shown. It’s a fantastic must-see movie about the life of Bart Miller and what led to his writing the song. I had not seen it yet, so was looking forward to spending the …

Credit: Vincent Maurin/Flickr/Creative Commons

Inner healing: Peter’s ‘charcoal fire’

Have you ever had a sports injury that put a stop to your active life? Sometimes once the medical treatments have been done and we have a clean bill of health to continue our sport, the fear of not really being healed or of re-injury can cause us to freeze in our tracks. It started with a real physical injury, but the real problem has become an inner one, a fear of moving forward, an “infirmity.” We can look healthy on the outside, but inside be broken with fear, doubts, anger, insecurities, etc. The gospels use similar phrases to describe how Jesus ministered in different communities, phrases like, “healed the sick,” “forgave sins,” “cast out demons,” “preached the good news,” and “healed people of their infirmities.” Most Christians can easily define the first four phrases, but many are not sure exactly what an infirmity is. Matthew 8:17 says, “that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying: “He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.” Other references to infirmities can …

Oceans are not 60% warmer than previously thought. Photo of Jamaica coast Credit: Ethan Crowley/Flickr/Creative Commons

Man-made error in man-made global warming study, oceans are not 60% warmer

On October 31, 2018, a report released in the prestigious peer-reviewed science journal Nature, broadcast that man-made global warming was much more serious than generally believed, because between 1991 and 2016, the oceans absorbed 60% more heat than previously thought. They concluded from this that the earth must also be warming faster. The report produced by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography was front page news in major dailies and online news around the world. In an interview with the Washington Post, Princeton professor Laure Resplandy, who led the study, stated: “We thought that we got away with not a lot of warming in both the ocean and the atmosphere for the amount of CO2 that we emitted. But we were wrong. The planet warmed more than we thought. It was hidden from us just because we didn’t sample it right. But it was there. It was in the ocean already.” It was giddy times for those promoting the man-made global warming mantra calling for carbon taxes and cuts in CO2 emissions. But the celebration only …

United Church on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia Canada converted into a museum. Credit: Harvey Barrrison/Flickr/Creative Commons

In the name of ‘diversity,’ an atheist allowed to pastor a church in Canada

It is a bizarre world when an atheist is allowed to pastor a church, but that is exactly what happened recently in Canada. Now to be fair, it took place in the United Church of Canada, a very liberal denomination and holds some flexible opinions on God, Jesus and the Bible. Over the past several years, attendance has been in a free fall in the denominations with church closings happening regularly as congregations are no longer viable. But being a religious organization, one would have thought that there would be a line drawn in the sand somewhere on how liberal its views would get, but apparently not. Rev. Gretta Vosper, 60, pastors West Hill United Church in Toronto. In 2001 she came out publicly as an atheist in a sermon to her congregation. It had an impact as over the next several months people started leaving including 100 who left when Vosper decided to no longer say the Lord’s Prayer during Sunday services. The United Church was aware of Vosper’s announcement, but in the name …