Author: Dean Smith

Father standing on an ocean beach at sunset watching children

117 | Is it time to forgive your parents?

In this podcast, I discuss the touchy issue of forgiving our parents and how it potentially impacts our perception of God. I know of instances where parents have been dead and buried for years and yet are still alive in their childrenā€™s minds because of unresolved issues.

Havre-aux-Maisons, IĢ‚les-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec

A Canadian municipality will soon require a QR code if you want to leave

With shades of Big Brother from Orson Wells’ dystopian novel, 1948, the municipality of  ĆŽles-de-la-Madeleine in Quebec, Canada will require all visitors to download a QR code to visit and leave their island community, CBC reports. The island, with a population of 12,000, is located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and can only be accessed by boat or plane. It’s part of the municipality’s plan implemented in 2023 to have people pay a $30 fee to visit the island in 2024, which will be paid via the QR code at departure. The government originally intended that island residents would also need to download the QR code but backed down after the outrage. It will now only demand citizens show identification when they want to leave. However, many insist this is a violation of their rights under the Charter of Rights and will probably result in a court challenge. Island residents are also upset because their family and friends will now be required to download the code and pay the fee, in addition to their …

Dr. Mattera’s 14 reasons why we should believe in Divine healing today

Dr. Joseph Mattera heads The U.S. Coalition of Apostolic Leaders, and he recently wrote an article for the Christian Post on 14 reasons why Christians should believe in divine healing. Amazingly, there are Christians who believe that healing is not for today, and insist that this stopped as a spiritual gift with the ending of the Apostolic age. I am not going to go through all Dr. Mattera’s reasons, but there are three that caught my attention. My favorite reason: Dr. Mattera’s third reason The first one that struck me is that the early church disciples pointed to divine healings as evidence that Jesus rose from the dead. After the healing of the lame man at the temple, Peter and John were dragged before the Sanhedrin the next day to explain what happened the previous day. “Let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel thatĀ by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified,Ā whom God raised from the deadā€”by him this man is standing before you well,” …

Iran's Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2016

Iran’s role in the end times

When discussing Iran, we need to separate the views of the country’s citizens from those of its tyrannical leader. Iran is currently controlled by an Islamic fundamentalist, Ali Khamenei, who serves as the country’s Supreme Leader, an unelected position. Though there are elections in the country for the country’s legislature, the Supreme Leader decides who will serve as president and cabinet ministers and ultimately approves or disapproves of any legislation that is passed. As a hard-line extremist, Ali Khamenei is not only seeking to construct nuclear weapons, he has also called for Israel to be eliminated. Though most Iranians want to see an end to the tyrannical rule and have democracy restored in the country, they are oddly in agreement with Ali Khamenei’s desire for war with Israel, for different reasons though. In an interview with CBN, Lily Meschi of Iran Alive Ministries explains the difference. Lily was born in Iran’s capital city, Tehran, Faithwire reports. ā€œThe Iranian government is totally separated from the citizens,ā€ Meschi explained. ā€œThe Iranian people are not for the government; …

Las maldiciones generacionales #6: Perdonar a nuestros padres

En Ɖxodo 20:4-5, la Biblia dice que la iniquidad de los padres pasarĆ­a a sus hijos hasta por cuatro generaciones. En publicaciones anteriores, hablamos de cĆ³mo la muerte de JesĆŗs en la cruz rompiĆ³ esta maldiciĆ³n (GĆ”latas 3:9-13). Pero romper la maldiciĆ³n no garantiza que estĆ© rota. De manera similar, el hecho de que JesĆŗs muriera por nuestros pecados no significa que todos estĆ©n salvados, y el hecho de que por sus heridas nosotros seamos sanados no significa que todos sean sanados automĆ”ticamente. Tenemos que luchar y creer para la salvaciĆ³n y la sanidad, y de la misma manera debemos hacer lo mismo para romper las maldiciones generacionales. Aunque JesĆŗs rompiĆ³ la maldiciĆ³n, hay una condiciĆ³n adjunta para que suceda: el perdĆ³n. En LevĆ­tico 26, Dios establece las bendiciones y castigos que pondrĆ­a sobre Israel si elegĆ­an vivir de manera injusta. Inicialmente, Dios los juzgarĆ­a con plagas, pestilencia y enfermedad, con la esperanza de que esto hiciera que la naciĆ³n se apartara de su iniquidad. Sin embargo, si Israel no respondĆ­a, enfrentarĆ­an el castigo final: …

City park

The Holy Spirit performs a miracle in a city park

If I am honest, this is my favorite style of miracle. It is one that didn’t take place in a church or revival service, but rather one that occurs outside the church walls, like in this instance, a city park. In an Instagram Reel, Pastor Jake Lazar shared the story of a miracle that took place while he was out walking his dog and encountered a man by the name of Jeremy who was also walking his dog. Sensing a prompting of the Holy Spirit, Pastor Jake struck up a conversation with Jeremy, who served as an officer in the Marines, which led to an opportunity to share the Gospel. Before they parted ways, Pastor Jake asked if he could pray for Jeremy’s healing, as he was required to wear hearing aids. Though nothing noticeable seemed to happen at that moment, two weeks later, Pastor Jake was out walking his dog again and ran into Jeremy, who was excited to tell him the news. ā€œIā€™ve been looking everywhere for you, man!ā€ Jeremy exclaimed. In a …

Temple of Apollo at Delphi

The most important archaeological discovery related to the Apostle Paul?

We have an interesting incident that took place in Acts 18:6-16 while the Apostle Paul was in Corinth. Things were getting heated after the Apostle convinced Crispus, the leader of a local synagogue and his family, to believe that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah. During that period, God actually spoke to Paul in a night vision, telling him not to be afraid but to stay in the city and keep preaching the Gospel. Eventually, several leading Jews in the city came together in a ‘united attack’ and dragged the Apostle Paul before the proconsul of Achaia, a man by the name of Gallio. Proconsul was the title used for the governor of an area or the mayor of a city. They accused Paul of causing Jews “to worship God in ways contrary to the law.” Luke actually quotes Gallio, who immediately recognized this was not a legal matter, but rather a theological one. ā€œIf you Jews were making a complaint about some misdemeanor or serious crime, it would be reasonable for me to listen to …

Columbine High School, Columbine, Colorado

Dealing with anger by forgiving a mass murderer who killed his sister

Many remember the Columbine High School massacre that took place, in Columbine, Colorado on April 20, 1999, resulting in the deaths of 12 students and a teacher at the hands of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Harris and Klebold committed suicide when police finally stormed the school. This year marks the 25 anniversary of the horrific mass murder that also saw 24 people injured. One of the survivors of that shooting was Craig Scott, now 41, who recently shared with the Christian Post how a missionary trip to Africa helped him deal with his anger and hatred by enabling him to forgive the two killers. Scott was in the library when he heard shots going off at the school and hid under a table. While under the table, he prayed to God for help dealing with the fear and felt impressed by the Holy Spirit that he needed to get out of the library. He ended up helping several students leave the library as well. Most of the killings ended up taking place in the …

UN Headquarters, New York

The majority of Americans and Canadians do not trust the UN, survey finds

According to a poll conducted by the Metropolis Institute and the Association for Canadian Studies, the majority of Americans and Canadians do not trust the UN, the National Post reports. When asked if they trusted the UN, only 30% of Americans and 38% of Canadians said that they did. The poll was taken three months after Hamas invaded Israel when the UN faced a barrage of criticism for its failure to condemn the attack. The survey found that in both countries, the people who leaned left politically had a greater trust in the UN than those who classified themselves as middle of the road or on the right. In the US, 54 percent of those who self-identified as left trusted the UN, compared to 38% for those who said they were in the center politically and 13.2% who leaned to the right. In Canada, 53.7% of those who leaned left trusted the UN, compared to 41% of those who identified as centrists and 23.5% of those who leaned right politically.

Man walking with Bible under his arm.

More Gen Z say the Bible is transforming their lives, survey finds

There was a bit of good news in a recent survey of Gen Z, those born between 1997 and 2012, conducted by the American Bible Society, CBN reports. For the past 14 years, the American Bible Society has been asking Americans how much they engaged in the Bible. Based on how much they read the Bible and believe it is relevant to their everyday lives, the State of the Bible survey sorts Americans into three basic groups, ‘scripturally engaged’, ‘moveable middle’, and ‘disengaged’. Overall the survey found that the percentage of people who are considered ‘disengaged’ from the Bible, was at its highest percentage, 57%, in the survey’s 14-year history. This was up from 53% the previous year. However, amid this overall decline, the 2024 survey found that Gen Z was bucking this trend with 54% stating their lives had been transformed by reading the Bible, up from 50% the previous year. Another group that showed improvement was Black Americans. The survey found that the number of Black Americans who ‘engaged’ the Bible had increased …

Photo: Rafal Zych/Flickr/Creative Commons

Maldiciones generacionales #5: Exponiendo pecados secretos

En esta serie, estamos estudiando el concepto bĆ­blico de las maldiciones generacionales, que nos dice cĆ³mo la “iniquidad” de los padres puede ser transmitida a los hijos (Ɖxodo 20:4-5). Los niƱos pueden heredar los pecados de sus padres. En el Ćŗltimo artĆ­culo, comenzamos nuestra discusiĆ³n sobre cĆ³mo romper con las maldiciones generacionales. El primer paso implica comprender que JesĆŗs rompiĆ³ la maldiciĆ³n. Esto significa que estamos luchando desde un terreno mĆ”s elevado. La maldiciĆ³n estĆ” rota, debemos hacerla valer. TambiĆ©n consideramos la necesidad de enfrentar la mentalidad de vĆ­ctima que puede hacer que las personas abandonen la lucha. En esta publicaciĆ³n, quiero analizar el siguiente paso importante. Dejar al descubierto tu iniquidad Debido a la naturaleza de la iniquidad, tiende a ser nuestro secreto mejor guardado. No queremos que nadie se entere. Algunos dicen que estamos tan enfermos como nuestros secretos mĆ”s profundos. Una de las claves para romper el poder de las maldiciones generacionales es la confesiĆ³n. En Job 31:33, el antiguo patriarca confiesa que encubriĆ³ su pecado al esconder su iniquidad (awon) en …

Ikeja, Nigeria

How one Nigerian Christian came to terms with the horrific persecution taking place in that country

There is a horrific persecution of Christians taking place in Nigeria by Islamic extremists. According to a report published by the International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law, an estimated 8,000 Christians were killed in that country last year because of their faith, some in horrific ways. The non-governmental agency added that 50,000 Christians have been killed in that country by Muslim extremists since 2009. Along with this, over 18,000 churches and 2,200 Christian schools were set on fire. In a recent op-ed for the Christian Post, Oscar Amaechina, who serves as the president of Afri-Mission and Evangelism Network, Abuja, Nigeria, wrote about his personal struggles dealing with this horrific persecution of believers. “I have persistently asked God in the past why He would not protect His servants,” Amaechina wrote. “I expected God to arise and fight for the Nigerian Christians, but He remained silent.” “I wept profusely when I saw the video of how Lawan Andimi, the chairman of a local chapter of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), was beheaded,” he continued, …

JiDion, popular YouTuber

Influential YouTuber explains his decision to delete videos and follow Christ

There has been a remarkable transformation in the life of a popular YouTuber, JiDion, who became a Christian probably sometime in 2023, Premier Christian News writes. He has over 7.7 million followers on his YouTube Channel and in October 2023, he deleted all his videos, except one. This meant 121 of his 122 videos were gone. Many of them had millions of views, with several exceeding 10 million. They were mostly prankster videos and his byline, before the deletion, basically described what he did. “I like messing with strangers…” JiDion wrote. JiDion deleted those videos because they conflicted with his decision to follow Christ. This decision comes complete with a new byline, “Retired menace. Full time follower of Jesus.” JiDion has since added two new videos, one of which explained his decision to delete the videos. “If I’m gonna truly give my life over to God, I gotta also take out the wickedness that I put into the world,” JiDion said. “As an influencer, I failed this generation horriblyā€¦I can’t be the way I was …

Un rĆ­o se vuelve rojo sangre en IrĆ”n. ĀæEs una seƱal del fin de los tiempos?

QuizĆ”s sea solo una coincidencia, pero en la visiĆ³n del ApĆ³stol Juan sobre los Ćŗltimos tiempos, el profeta vio los rĆ­os volviĆ©ndose rojos sangre como parte del juicio asociado con el derramamiento de las copas de la ira en Apocalipsis 16:  El segundo Ć”ngel derramĆ³ su copa en el mar, y se convirtiĆ³ en sangre como de muerto; y muriĆ³ todo ser viviente que habĆ­a en el mar. El tercer Ć”ngel derramĆ³ su copa en los rĆ­os y en las fuentes de las aguas, y se convirtieron en sangre. (Apocalipsis 16:3-4 NBLA) La mayorĆ­a cree que el agua volviĆ©ndose roja es un recordatorio de lo que sucediĆ³ cuando Dios convirtiĆ³ el Nilo en sangre durante la liberaciĆ³n de Israel de Egipto (Ɖxodo 7:20). En otras palabras, los rĆ­os rojo sangre hablan de juicio. AsĆ­ que como dije, es posiblemente solo una coincidencia que en los dĆ­as previos al lanzamiento del masivo ataque de IrĆ”n a Israel el 13 de abril de 2024, involucrando mĆ”s de 350 drones, misiles balĆ­sticos y de crucero, el paĆ­s experimentara agua …

A river turns blood-red in Iran. Is it a sign of the end times?

Maybe it’s just a coincidence, but in the Apostle John’s vision of the end times, the prophet saw rivers turning blood-red as part of the judgment associated with the pouring out of the bowls of wrath in Revelation 16: Then the third angel poured out his bowl into the rivers and the springs of waters; and they became blood. (Revelation 16:3-4 NASV) Most believe that the waters turning red is reminiscent of what took place when God turned the Nile into blood during Israel’s deliverance out of Egypt (Exodus 7:20). In other words, blood-red rivers speak of judgment. So like I said, it’s possibly just a coincidence that in the days preceding the launching of Iran’s massive attack on Israel on April 13, 2024, involving over 350 drones, ballistic, and cruise missiles, the country experienced blood-red water, Israel 365 News reports. “Iranā€™s Meteorological Organization is not known for its prophetic inclinations,” Adam Berkowitz explains in his article for Israel 365. “However, last month, it issued a ‘red warning’ for flooding in five western provinces as a new …

Iranian Shahed 149 drone

El pastor Greg Laurie sugiere que el reciente ataque de IrĆ”n a Israel fue el cumplimiento de la profecĆ­a bĆ­blica

No hay duda de que las cosas se estĆ”n calentando en Medio Oriente, justo como la Biblia predijo que sucederĆ­a al final de los tiempos antes del regreso de Cristo. Mientras que yo veo el reciente ataque de IrĆ”n a Israel con mĆ”s de 300 misiles balĆ­sticos, de crucero y drones el 13 de abril de 2024 como mĆ”s un presagio de lo que estĆ” por venir, otros creen que es el cumplimiento de la profecĆ­a bĆ­blica. Aunque tal vez no estĆ© necesariamente de acuerdo con ellos, podrĆ­an tener un punto. En un reciente artĆ­culo en, Greg Laurie seƱalĆ³ que con la formaciĆ³n del estado de Israel el 14 de mayo de 1948, en un solo dĆ­a (IsaĆ­as 66:7-9), “el reloj profĆ©tico comenzĆ³ a contar”. Greg Laurie es un popular predicador y autor cristiano. Actualmente es pastor de Harvest Christian Fellowship, una megaiglesia con sede en Riverside, California. Fue un personaje influyente en el movimiento de los Jesus People que barriĆ³ AmĆ©rica del Norte a finales de los aƱos 60 y principios de los …

Iranian Shahed 149 drone

Greg Laurie suggests Iran’s recent attack on Israel was a fulfillment of Bible prophecy

There is no doubt that things are heating up in the Middle East, just as the Bible predicted it would at the end of days before Christ’s return. While I look at Iran’s recent attack on Israel with over 300 ballistic and cruise missiles and drones on April 13, 2024, as more of a sign of things yet to come, others believe it’s the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. While I may not necessarily agree with them, they may have a point. In a recent article on, Greg Laurie pointed out that with the formation of the nation of Israel on May 14, 1948, in a single day (Isaiah 66:7-9), “the prophetic time clock began to tick.” “I do believe the attack of Iran on Israel was a fulfillment of Bible prophecy,” Laurie writes. “A sign of the end times, according to Scripture, is the Jewish people will be regathered together in their homelandā€¦ That was not just a sign, that was a super sign.” “The Bible had more to say. Not only will the …

Arch of Triumph, Paris, France

Over 12,000 people were water-baptized in France on Easter Sunday

Despite reports that France is going through what is described as a period of ‘de-Christianization’, a remarkable thing took place in Catholic Churches across France on Easter Weekend as over 12,000 people were water baptized, CBN reports. The Catholic Church focuses on baptizing infants, who are baptized without making a faith commitment. However, the number of infants being baptized has been declining for several years, making what happened on Easter Sunday even more significant. This is because the majority of the baptisms, 7100, involved adults and the remaining 5,000 were between the ages of 11 to 17. In other words, they involved people making the conscious choice to be baptized. France’s Roman Catholic Church traditionally hosts adult baptisms at Easter, and the number this year not only set a record but was 31% higher than the number of water baptisms at last year’s event. Also, young adults are expressing a renewed interest in faith, as the number of people between the ages of 18 and 25 being water baptized rose from 23% in 2023 to …

Rolled up dollar bills on a chess board

Can selling prophetic words lead to quenching the Holy Spirit?

The greatest fear that Satan has is encountering people who are filled with the Holy Spirit, because they have the power to heal and deliver people from Satanic oppression. When the Pharisees accused Jesus of casting out demons by the power of a higher ranking satanic being, Beelzebub, Jesus responded that He was actually casting out demons by the finger of God (Luke 11:20). Matthew, citing this same incident, provides further illumination by telling us that the finger of God is actually the Holy Spirit (Matthew 12:28). Christ is the source of our spiritual authority and the Holy Spirit is the source of our spiritual power. So if Satan wants to strip believers of their power, certainly one effective way of doing this would be by compromising their relationship with the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Paul provides one example of how we can do this when he warns, “Do not quench the Spirit” (1 Thessalonians 5:19 ESV). According to Thayer’s, the Greek word, ‘sbennumi’, means ‘to extinguish, quench a fire or things on fire.” Literally, …

Asteroids are still zooming by Earth, the latest was 2013 NK4

An asteroid big enough to destroy a large city zoomed by Earth yesterday, and astronomers suggest it will be close enough for people with backyard telescopes to see it over the next couple of days, Live Science reports. With the catchy name of 2013 NK4, the asteroid is 2,000 feet (0.61 km) wide and traveling at 37,000 mph (ca. 59,546 km/h). Though, it was first discovered in 2013, the asteroid has probably, unknowingly, been spinning by Earth for several decades. This is the first time, since its discovery, that it has been close enough for people to see it using telescopes. While its elliptical orbit takes it around the sun every 378 days, computer simulations calculate that it will likely never be a threat to hit Earth. Though it was only 2 million miles out when it passed Earth on Monday, it is expected to make a closer approach in 2055 when it will be only 1.3 million miles out, or six times closer than our moon. In the Book of Revelation, the Apostle John …

Worship service at Community Church in Brighton, Michigan

Lamenting the decline of cultural Christianity

One of the metaphors that Jesus used to describe the influence of Christianity was salt. Christians are to be the salt of the world and through that be a positive influence on society. In the analogy, the Lord was asking what happens if believers lose their saltiness. Essentially, they would become useless and thrown out (Matthew 5:13). But aside from Christians losing their saltiness, other forces are at work to remove the Christian influence from the world. Perhaps one of the key leaders of this movement has been former Oxford University professor Richard Dawkins, 83. An evolutionary biologist and atheist, he has been at the forefront, publicly criticizing religion and Christianity in particular. He wrote a popular bestseller, The God Delusion, as part of his battle to discredit faith. But in a recent interview with Rachel Johnson on Britain’s LBC at the end of March, we have seen a slight change in Dawkins’s tune. In no way has he become a man of faith, but Dawkins is lamenting the loss of the Christian influence in …

Cologne Cathedral, Cologne Germany

4 German teens, connected to ISIS, arrested for plotting attacks against churches & synagogues

According to Deutsche Welle, a German state broadcaster, authorities arrested four teenagers in Germany who were plotting attacks on churches and synagogues in that country, the Daily Wire reports. According to the Daily Wire, the group, which included two teenage girls, “had ‘glorified’ ISIS and ‘declared themselves ready’ to carry out an ‘Islamist-motivated terror attack.’ā€ The group, which had a collection of weapons including Molotov cocktails and machetes, had declared themselves “ready to commit murder and manslaughter and preparing a serious act of violence,ā€ Deutsche Welle report. The four were intercepted after police investigated one of the girls, who was suspected of wanting to travel to Syria to join ISIS. An examination of her phone uncovered evidence of the proposed attack in four German cities, DĆ¼sseldorf, Dortmund, Iserlohn, and Cologne.

Prophetic Dreams?

As we study the Bible, we read that God often spoke to people through dreams, and recently Vlad and Lana Savchuk produced a video providing some guidance on dreams, Charisma News reports. First, they warned that not all dreams are from God. In the book of Joel, we read that dreams are frequently associated with an outpouring of God’s Spirit (Joel 2:28-32). While this is true, it is also important to realize that not every dream is from God. “Jude 8 actually talks about false prophets who are deceiving people through their dreams and God was clearly warning people concerning dreamers who had these dreams,” Vlad stated. “False prophets can deceive through dreams. We have to be very careful that we believe every single dream that people give especially negative dreams that come true because that could be operating from the spirit of divination,” Vlad noted. Dreams can provide deliverance The second thing they pointed out is that God can provide deliverance through dreams, as Lana shared how her healing started through an intense dream …

Iranian ballistic missiles on display in 2012

Is the recent Iranian threats of an imminent attack on Israel, setting the stage for Armageddon?

American intelligence is warning that Iran could attack Israel within the next 48 hours in retaliation for an Israeli missile strike in Damascus that killed an Iranian General and six other Iranian military officials, Israel365 News reports. Perhaps the most noticeable death was General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, who oversaw an elite unit within the Islamic Revolutionary Guard. Israel targeted the building, claiming that it was being used for military purposes. Iran, of course, has denied this. Many are convinced that Iran was behind Hamas’s invasion of Israel on Oct. 7, 2023. Recently, Iranian social media accounts connected with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard have been posting videos of potential retaliation scenarios. This included images portraying a ballistic missile and a drone strike on Israel’s Haifa airport, with an accompanying caption asking followers what type of attack people would prefer. With Iran backing terrorist organizations in Gaza, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, the attacks could be launched from any of these locations. With growing concerns of an imminent Iranian strike, many speculate that this is setting the stage …

Western Wall, Jerusalem, Israel

Why is the world starting to hate Israel?

It is estimated that there are just over 15 million Jews around the world today, with just over 50% of them living in the US and another 30% in Israel itself. From there, we see a dramatic drop-off with France, Russia, and Canada each having about 3%, rounding off the top five. With approximately 8 billion people living on the planet, Jews represent only 0.2% of the world’s population. Yet, despite their insignificant numbers, Jews have been targeted with a disproportional amount of hate. Since Hamas’s brutal invasion of Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, that hatred has surfaced with supporters of Palestine around the world chanting “From sea to sea, Palestine will be free,” which essentially calls for the elimination of the state of Israel despite its historical roots in the area. We also see examples of Jews living in other countries, who have nothing to do with what is happening in the Middle East, also being targeted. While the nation of Israel is blamed for much of the hate displayed today, it doesn’t explain …

Canada: RCMP seizing cheap government-supplied safe drugs during arrests of drug dealers

The British Columbia government, a province in Canada, has decided that the best way to combat the drug crisis in that province was by supplying users with safe drugs through its ‘Safer Opioid Supply’ program. So how has that been working out? There have been numerous reports of how users are picking up their supply of safe drugs, such as hydromorphone, and selling or trading them to drug dealers for harder drugs on the sidewalk in front of pharmacies. The dealers in turn sell these so-called safe Opioids. Ads are even turning up on popular websites offering them for sale under the new slang name ‘dillies.’ The National Post recently reported that with a provincial election around the corner, some believe the RCMP is censoring drug busts if government-supplied safe drugs are part of the seizure. “After the British Columbia RCMP kept reporting that government-distributed ā€œsafer supplyā€ opioids were showing up in drug busts, a leaked memo has emerged in which the provinceā€™s Mounties were allegedly told to step carefully around ‘hot button issues,‘ā€ writes …

Coeur d'Alene, Idaho State, USA

18-year-old arrested after FBI uncovered his plot to attack a church in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho in the name of ISIS

The FBI arrested an eighteen-year-old Idaho teen on Saturday, April 6, 2024, alleging he was plotting a mass killing the next day at a church in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho in the name of ISIS, an Islamic extremist group, Fox News reports. Alexander Mercurio was arrested after he revealed the details of his plot to a man at a hotel. That man turned out to be an FBI informant. After initially researching white supremacists, Mercurio looked into ISIS and concluded he was more suited for this extremist group and actually made contact with members of ISIS detailing his plot. According to the FBI, Mercurio had made a “baā€™yah statement, pledging his allegiance to ISIS.”Ā  The FBI stumbled upon Mercurio during their investigation of a network of ISIS supporters in the US providing financial assistance to the terrorist organization. It’s alleged that Mercurio initially planned to assault his father, handcuff him, steal his guns, and then proceed to the church he had chosen for the attack. He further described his parents as “very Christian and conservative.” According …

Dozens of bags containing antisemitic flyers and suspected rat poison discovered in Chicago

Chicago police have discovered bags containing hundreds of antisemitic flyers along with a substance that some suspect is rat poison in a city neighborhood, the NY Post reports. Eighty-four ziplock bags containing the flyers and a yet-to-be-determined substance were found by residents and reported to police. According to reports, the bags were located on top of cars and on the steps of homes. This is the third case of antisemitic behavior reported in Chicago so far this year. In both February and January, Jewish hate flyers were found on top of dozens of vehicles in the city.

Maldiciones Generacionales #4: JesĆŗs rompe la maldiciĆ³n

En esta serie, hemos estado estudiando un principio bĆ­blico encontrado en las Escrituras, a menudo llamado Maldiciones Generacionales. Citado por primera vez en Ɖxodo 20:5 y referenciado varias veces despuĆ©s (Ɖxodo 34:7; NĆŗmeros 14:18; Deuteronomio 5:9 y JeremĆ­as 36:31), gira en torno a la idea de que el pecado/iniquidad de los padres puede ser transmitido a los hijos hasta por cuatro generaciones. 5  No los adorarĆ”s ni los servirĆ”s. Porque Yo, el SeƱor tu Dios, soy Dios celoso, que castigo la iniquidad de los padres sobre los hijos hasta la tercera y cuarta generaciĆ³n de los que me aborrecen, (Ɖxodo 20:5 NBLA) En nuestro artĆ­culo anterior, discutĆ­ cĆ³mo la familia del rey David fue afectada por tal maldiciĆ³n o fortaleza del pecado. Entonces la pregunta obvia es, ĀæquĆ© tipo de iniquidad o pecado puede ser heredado? En el pasaje de Ɖxodo, se afirma que la iniquidad de los padres puede ser heredada, no el pecado. Mientras que el pecado se refiere al acto de pecar, la iniquidad habla de una adicciĆ³n al pecado. Dado que una …

Solar eclipse

Climate change caused the eclipse and New York earthquake?

The raging hysteria about climate change has just entered the bizarro stage, for those familiar with that old Superman alternate reality, where everything was the opposite. Good was bad, and ugly was beautiful, etc. On Monday, The View cohost, Sunny Hostin, blamed climate change for Monday’s eclipse and the 4.8 earthquake that rattled New York on Friday, April 5, 2024, Fox News reports. Yes, it seems that people driving SUVs are responsible for the moon blocking out the sun and causing massive shifting beneath the Earth’s surface. Though other members of The View quickly disagreed, a US Senate Candidate, Christina Amira Khalil, who also happens to be a member of the Green Party, tweeted that climate change was responsible for the earthquake that hit New York. “I experienced my first earthquake in NJ. We never get earthquakes,” Khalil wrote in the widely mocked viral tweet. “The climate crisis is real. The weirdest experience ever.” However, Hostin didn’t stop there, she went on to talk about the reaction of her makeup artist, when the Friday earthquake hit, …

A Roman milestone on the road between the Iberian cities of Bracara Augusta and Asturica Augusta

Was Jesus standing near a miliarium, when He said if they compel you to go a mile, go two?

Most of the time when Jesus was teaching, the Lord was outside, and I often wondered if much of what He said was based on what He saw around him. When Jesus said, “See how the flowers of the field grow,” (Matthew 6:28), I suspect there was a field nearby. So, when Jesus told His disciples, ā€œAnd if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles,ā€ (Matthew 5:41 ESV), I wonder if they were actually standing within eyesight of an ancient Roman milestone. Referred to as miliarium, the columns were routinely made of granite or marble and were typically set up to mark the distance of 1,000 double Roman steps, approximately one mile today, on a road. Since people only traveled a few miles each day, these stones provided valuable information on how far they had journeyed. In addition to supplying the one-mile distance, the stone also had the name of the Roman Emperor responsible for the road’s construction and typically the military unit, overseeing the road’s maintenance. The stones often …

John Cooper performing with Skillet in 2017

Skillet frontman, John Cooper, facing death threats over the title of his book

Things are definitely taking a negative turn for Christians in America, and it was perhaps best demonstrated by comments made by John Cooper in an episode of ‘Politically Rude,’ hosted by Abby Johnson, Church Leaders reports. Cooper, who is the lead singer for the Christian rock band, Skillet, recently published a book in November 2023 entitled, ā€œWimpy, Weak, and Woke: How Truth Can Save America From Utopian Destruction.ā€ The book focuses on the ā€œphilosophies behind utopian dreams that become dystopian nightmares, and presents a positive vision for how we can thrive and flourish.ā€ The book states that man’s solutions will not cure the raging ails of the world, and only God is the solution. In an interview with Church Leaders, Cooper added that the trouble started long before the book was printed and actually began when he released the title of the book. Initially, it resulted in “absolute hate and cussing” and people telling him to “go to hell.” This would have been fine because Cooper is used to this type of hate because of …

The significance of solar eclipses

The total solar eclipse that will pass over parts of Canada and the US today has certainly caught everyone’s attention. Americans living in a 115-mile-wide swath that travels from Maine in the North to Texas in the South will be within the total eclipse zone and for about 4 minutes will experience total darkness. Many outside that zone are making travel plans to visit so they can personally witness this rare solar event. It is expected that one million people will visit Texas, where parts of that state will experience a total eclipse of the sun. Another half a million could be traveling to Indiana and Ohio for the same reason, according to eclipse cartographer Michael Zeiler. Niagara Falls, on both the Canadian and American sides of the border, is another region expecting overflow crowds, as it is within the total eclipse epicenter. According to one report, some Niagara hotels were “booked for between $914 and $1,844 on April 7 into April 8, the day of the eclipse.” It’s estimated that upwards of four million …