All posts filed under: Miracles

Pastor Glen Germany facing alleged assailant during Sunday morning service, May 5, 2024

Pastor miraculously saved as gun misfires during Sunday service

A miracle unfolded during a church service in Pennsylvania this past Sunday (May 5, 2024), the Daily Mail reports. Pastor Glenn Germany was preaching at the Jesus’ Dwelling Place Church, in North Braddock, PA, when a young man allegedly stood up, walked down the aisle with a gun, pointed it directly at Germany, and pulled the trigger. Everything was caught on camera as the service was being live-streamed. Miraculously, the gun misfired. Clarence McCallister, one of the church’s deacons, immediately leaped out of his pew, and tackled the alleged shooter, Bernard Polite, before he could fire again. Both Germany and McCallister were able to detain the young man who seemed to be struggling with mental health issues until the police arrived. Pastor Germany added that Polite actually apologized for what happened and allegedly told the pastor ‘Look, spirits was in my mind. They got in my mind and they told me come in and shoot the pastor.’ Germany added that he has already forgiven the alleged shooter, but added that the most difficult part was …

Dr. Mattera’s 14 reasons why we should believe in Divine healing today

Dr. Joseph Mattera heads The U.S. Coalition of Apostolic Leaders, and he recently wrote an article for the Christian Post on 14 reasons why Christians should believe in divine healing. Amazingly, there are Christians who believe that healing is not for today, and insist that this stopped as a spiritual gift with the ending of the Apostolic age. I am not going to go through all Dr. Mattera’s reasons, but there are three that caught my attention. My favorite reason: Dr. Mattera’s third reason The first one that struck me is that the early church disciples pointed to divine healings as evidence that Jesus rose from the dead. After the healing of the lame man at the temple, Peter and John were dragged before the Sanhedrin the next day to explain what happened the previous day. “Let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel thatĀ by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified,Ā whom God raised from the deadā€”by him this man is standing before you well,” …

City park

The Holy Spirit performs a miracle in a city park

If I am honest, this is my favorite style of miracle. It is one that didn’t take place in a church or revival service, but rather one that occurs outside the church walls, like in this instance, a city park. In an Instagram Reel, Pastor Jake Lazar shared the story of a miracle that took place while he was out walking his dog and encountered a man by the name of Jeremy who was also walking his dog. Sensing a prompting of the Holy Spirit, Pastor Jake struck up a conversation with Jeremy, who served as an officer in the Marines, which led to an opportunity to share the Gospel. Before they parted ways, Pastor Jake asked if he could pray for Jeremy’s healing, as he was required to wear hearing aids. Though nothing noticeable seemed to happen at that moment, two weeks later, Pastor Jake was out walking his dog again and ran into Jeremy, who was excited to tell him the news. ā€œIā€™ve been looking everywhere for you, man!ā€ Jeremy exclaimed. In a …

Country road

Long distance healing

As we read the Gospels, the most common method that Jesus used to heal the sick was by laying hands on them (Luke 4;40; Mark 8:23). When Christ touched people, the healing virtue flowed out from Jesus into the person that He was touching (Mark 5:30). Since Jesus was functioning fully as a man filled with the Holy Spirit, He was the pattern for how Divine healing happens today. When we lay hands on people, the Holy Spirit inside us flows into the other person. But on the odd occasion, we also see anomalies to this practice, such as long-distance healing, when Jesus healed people without touching them. We know that Lazarus was raised from the dead by Jesus shouting while standing outside Lazarus’ tomb (John 11:42-44). At this point, Christ was probably only a few yards away from the body. But in another instance, the healing of the centurion’s servant, Jesus, who was traveling to the centurion’s home, though close to the man’s home was undoubtedly further away when the healing occurred (Luke 7:6-10). …

Dan Bongino in 2016

Dan Bongino shares a supernatural encounter he had with God on the same night his mother died

Dan Bongino, 49, is a popular conservative commentator with over three million followers on Rumble and 5.5 million on Facebook, where he hosts The Dan Bongino Show. Before developing his own podcast, he had worked with Fox News, served with the New York Police Department, and was a Secret Service agent for the CIA for 12 years. Recently, he shared a spiritual encounter that he had the same morning his mother died, Faithewire reports. At 4:43 am, he received a shocking call that his mother had died unexpectedly on Friday, March 15, 2024, after falling down a flight of chairs. He was actually awake when the phone call came in because of a supernatural encounter that happened to him about two hours earlier. It was so real that Bongino was actually reaching for his gun, thinking there was an intruder in his home. Before telling what happened to him, Bongino said “I want to tell you in advance, Iā€™m not crazy, OK?” Bongino has trouble sleeping and around 3 am he had gone to the …

Man praying at home

Confidence in prayer: Do you believe your prayer is making a difference?

I did a podcast a couple of weeks back about prophetic prayer, which describes how the Holy Spirit will guide our prayer and actually give us the words to pray. And if we proclaim those words, they have a prophetic anointing. I shared how during a group prayer meeting, we prayed for a premature baby who was on life support because of sepsis. The doctors had actually said if there was no improvement, they would be removing the baby from this critical care by Friday. We were praying the Monday before. During that prayer meeting, I felt the Holy Spirit urging me to pray two words for that baby, ‘come home.’ It was time for that baby to ‘come home.’ It didn’t matter how I phrased the prayer, but I had to work those two words, “come home,” into my prayer. So during that meeting, I prayed for that baby several times, sometimes awkwardly, but always uttering those two words, ‘come home.’ I refer to this as prophetic prayer. Where the Holy Spirit literally gives …

Young woman with hearing aid at home

The incredible miracle of a young girl who was just practicing hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit

When you read testimonies of someone being healed of an incurable, you expect it would be at the hands of a proven minister, who has been moving in the power of the Holy Spirit for years. You don’t expect it to be at the hands of a complete stranger who was practicing hearing the voice of God. Yes, I said “practicing”. The video of the unnamed woman’s testimony was posted on Kris Vallotton’s YouTube channel. Kris is the Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California, and co-founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry.  After experiencing between 15-45 fainting spells in a day and at times finding it impossible to stand, she went to the Stanford Medical Clinic in August 2016, where she was diagnosed with Guillain-BarrĆ© syndrome. It is a rare autoimmune neurological disorder that attacks your nervous system. Though there is no known cure, in most instances, it does clear up on its own, but often many are never really the same after being affected by the disease. Over the next several …

A woman receiving parcel from delivery man

Amazon delivery person healed while dropping off a package at a church

In an Instagram reel, a teary-eyed Amazon delivery man said he had been off for two and half weeks because of a sprained ankle. He was back to work, but still struggling with pain, writes Lauren Koch in her article for Christian Learning. Bethel Church in Austin, Texas was his third delivery of the day. ā€œIā€™m making deliveries, I sprained my ankle about 2.5 weeks ago and been out of work,ā€ the young man said. ā€œBut making my third stop today, everybody here, beautiful people, they all prayed for me.ā€ ā€œHe healed my leg. I have no pain anymore. I can fully step on it. It made the rest of my week and made everything so better.ā€ We need to start stepping out with the spiritual gifts and giving the Holy Spirit opportunity to move. The one thing that has always puzzled me is that Paul writes that there are ‘gifts of healing’ (1 Corinthians 12:9). The word gifts is in the plural. This suggests that there are different types or kinds of gifts of …

Boy on the beach at sunrise

How one transcendent moment on a Hawaii beach changed an alcoholic’s life

The Holy Spirit is always working and moving in people’s lives, drawing us to God and a relationship with Jesus Christ. Dr. Os Guinness says there is a word for this process. It is called transcendence when the supernatural briefly touches our lives. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, transcendence refers to an experience that is “beyond the limits of all possible experience and knowledge.” It is derived from the Latin word, scandere, which describes the process of “climbing so high that you cross some boundary.” Transcendence describes the moments when God reaches down and touches us. It is a spiritual experience meant to catch our attention. In an interview with, “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast“, Dr. Guinness says, ā€œPeople have experiences that are incredibly profound. And what they do is two things. They puncture whatever they believe to that point, and they point forward to something which, if true, would make all the difference. So the signals of transcendence turn them into seekers.ā€ ā€œThese signals of transcendence open us to a whole world of the supernatural …

Woman holding a gift

You need to discover the spiritual gift the Holy Spirit has given you

I remember very clearly the day, over 40 years ago now, when the Holy Spirit revealed what spiritual gift he had given me. My wife and I were living in a small, 600-square-foot, orange-colored home with a flat roof. It was our first home. I was watching an NHL hockey playoff game on a small TV that I had propped up on our kitchen counter. I can’t remember who was playing, but as I was watching the game, the Holy Spirit quickened one particular player to me and I got this distinct impression that he was going to score on his own goal. A few minutes later, this is exactly what happened. Now, scoring on one’s own goal can easily happen in a hockey game when an opposing player takes a shot and the puck deflects off a defending player into the net. But this is not what happened in this case, the defensive player was actually trying to clear the puck from in front of his team’s goalie, and so misfired the puck that …

Jalil Mashali standing beside his Taxi cab in Essen, Germany

Muslim who converted to Christianity fined by German authorities for Jesus sticker on cab

A former Muslim man from Iran, Jalil Mashali, who converted to Christianity, has recently been fined by the road traffic authority in Essen, Germany. His crime: He has the words, “Jesus ā€“ I am the way. The truth. And the life,”Ā sticker on his taxi cab. The German authority fined Mashali 85 Euros and ordered the removal of the sticker, stating that it was advertising religion, the Christian Post reports. The agency is threatening a larger fine if he doesn’t comply. Mashali, with the aid of ADF International, is fighting the charge, stating the sticker is instead a personal testimony of what God miraculously did in Mashali’s life. While in Iran, Mashali had been severely injured in a bus accident that resulted in permanent damage to his left leg and chronic pain, despite having 20 surgeries in Germany. The pain was so bad, that Mashali became suicidal. However, the pain suddenly stopped after a Christian woman prayed for him. This played a major role in Mashali’s decision to leave Islam and embrace Jesus. “Jesus is the …

People worshipping at a church service

Power to Heal, part 3: An Army of Healers

By Andrew Hopkins

If supernatural healing really is Godā€™s will (as it is), then why is healing ministry not a normal part of every church? Bringing it even closer to home, is it a normal part of your walk as a believer? God wants to raise up an army of healers, who walk in confidence of Godā€™s healing power and release it as they go through life. This is our inheritance as followers of Jesus!

Feet of new born baby wrapped in mother's hand

The gift of prophecy not only saved Jonathan David’s life but called him to the ministry while he was still in the womb

If I am honest, it has been discouraging watching the gift of prophecy being battered and mocked because of the dozens of false prophecies stating that Donald Trump would be reelected as President of the United States back in 2020. I believe in this gift because several years back, my wife and I briefly attended a church, led by what I would describe as a prophet. We had been involved in a church that had gone through some extremely difficult times but had moved to another city because of work. During the first service at this new church, my wife and I received a prophetic word from the man. It so accurately described what had happened to us in our previous setting, that I felt he must have had inside knowledge about our previous situation. The next week, I actually phoned people in our previous church to see if anyone knew or had spoken to this man. The following Sunday, we returned to the church and something unusual happened. This prophet had received a second …

Man in a field holding a head of wheat

It is time to retool our evangelism through words of knowledge

According to recent polling by Pew Research, nearly a third of Americans (28%) classify themselves as ‘religious nones’. This means they have answered agnostic, atheist, or have chosen ‘nothing in particular’ when asked about what religion they follow. While this can be concerning, it is an indication that Christians may need to retool our evangelism, particularly the use of the word of knowledge when it comes to sharing our faith. The word of knowledge is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, where a person receives divine revelation about another person or situation that they would otherwise not know (1 Corinthians 12:8). This revelation can often be used to open a person’s heart to the realities of Jesus. How many people have heard sermons where preachers quoted Jesus telling His disciples, “Behold, I tell you, raise your eyes and observe the fields, that they are white for harvest” (John 4:35 NASV). We are then told because the fields are ripe for harvest, we need to go out and share our faith. Except that is …

Coeur d'Alene, Idaho State, USA

Speaking of Angels and the Miracle of the Six Bullets that Missed the Coeur d’Alene Pastor and the Six that Didn’t

Obeying voices in his head, on Sunday, March 6, 2016, former Marine Kyle Odom fired 12 rounds at the back of pastor Tim Remington, as he talked on his phone outside his Assemblies of God church in Coeur dā€™Alene, Idaho, AG News reports. Despite being 15 feet (4.57 m) away, only six bullets from Odom’s 45-caliber gun successfully hit their mark. The ones that did were deadly because they were hollow points, which means they mushroomed on impact, significantly expanding the damage. Tim collapsed to the ground as Odom casually drove away in his car, completely unaware of a miracle that was soon to unfold. By the time, he got into surgery, Tim only had 90% of his blood. Many believe the police officer first on the scene, who used his fingers to plug three holes out of which blood was gushing, may have saved the pastor’s life. The hospital staff were shocked that Tim was still alive after surgery, as many thought he should have been dead on arrival, as most with multiple shot …

Painting of Jesus Healing a Blind man by Gebhard Fugel

Power to Heal, #1: Healing is God’s Will

By Andrew Hopkins

God wants to raise up an army of believers who walk in the healing power of God. Healing was an essential part of Jesusā€™ earthly ministry. Everywhere He went He released the healing touch of God. Not just emotional, medical, or inner healing – although thatā€™s great and something God does – Iā€™m talking about healing miracles that remove the pains, sickness, and diseases in peopleā€™s physical bodies.

Actor Jessie Hutch in an interview with CBN Digital.

Actor Jesse Hutch shares how God saved him from drowning when he was 21 years old

In a recent interview with CBN, actor Jesse Hutch, 42, shared how God miraculously saved him after he nearly drowned when he was 21 years old, Faithwire reports. Hutch, who is a committed Christian, is best known for his roles in romantic comedies. He has also played character roles in multiple TV series, including Smallville and Arrow, and starred in several Hallmark and Lifetime TV movies. Before starting his acting career, Hutch worked for a whitewater rafting company for four years as a guide, where he nearly drowned. It’s believed he had been underwater for between 11 and 22 minutes before someone found him, Hutch said. He was immediately rushed to a hospital, where he was put in a pressure chamber and miraculously survived with no physical or mental side effects. Hutch fully attributes his survival to the hand of God. “I should be completely, honestly dead. I shouldnā€™t have lived, and, if I did, I shouldnā€™t be able to speak, I shouldnā€™t be able to hear, I shouldnā€™t be able to talk,ā€ Hutch added. …

CCTV footage of student from Layton Christian Academy lifting a car, freeing a mother and two-year-old child

Kids from a Christian school lift a car, freeing the mother and two-year-old son trapped underneath

CCTV video has emerged of several students from Layton Christian Academy, located in Layton, a suburb of Salt Lake City, lifting a vehicle under which a mother and her two-year-old son had been trapped, the Western Journal reports. On Tuesday afternoon (Dec 5, 2023), a woman walking with her two children was struck by a car, resulting in the three being trapped under the vehicle. The mother, Bridgette Ponson, was an employee at the school. Though the three-year-old was able to free herself, Bridgette and her son remained pinned by the weight of the car. In an interview with KSTU-TV, Chris Crowder, the school principal and associate pastor, noticed that a few kids from the school gathered around a vehicle. After running outside to check what was going on, Crowder saw the mother and child trapped under the car. He rushed back into the school shouting for students to come outside and lift the car. With the help of between 20 and 30 students, they were able to lift the car high enough so an …

Gaza City, Gaza Strip

Over 200 Muslim men in the Gaza Strip received a dream of Jesus the same night, report states

Michael Licona is a Christian professor at Houston Christian University (HCU). He recently posted on Facebook about an incredible miracle that took place in the Gaza Strip when over 200 Muslim men had a dream about Jesus on the same night leading many of them to become Christians, the Western Journal reports. Licona, who teaches the New Testament at HCU, stated he was recently told about this unusual move of the Holy Spirit by an underground Christian ministry working in the Middle East. According to the report, a Christian group in the Gaza Strip had been working with about 200 Muslim men who had lost children in the Gaza conflict which started when Hamas invaded Israel on Oct. 7, 2023. The group provided food and clothing to the men. In addition to this, they also read the Bible to them about how Jesus would minister peace before the Muslim men returned to their homes. Licona then quoted from the report he received on what happened next: ā€œThen, a big miracle happened. Last night, Jesus appeared …

A medical team with patient in hospital emergency room

After years of research, cardiologist concludes that near-death experiences are real, and that humans have a separate spirit

“Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; may your spirit and soul and body be kept complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 5:23 NASV) The Bible tells us that man is made up of three parts, a spirit, soul, and physical body. The spirit is invisible and separate from our physical body. It is the essence of who we are and contains our emotions and thoughts. The soul is created when man’s spirit interacts with the physical body. It essentially reveals our spirit’s emotions and thoughts through our physical body. According to the Bible, when we die, our spirit returns to God who gave it (Ecclesiastes 12:7). This has proven very controversial, particularly for evolutionists who do not believe we have a spirit and that life continues after death. But this was the forefront of a study conducted by Dr. Michael Sabom, a Christian cardiologist. Over the past 50 years, he has written two books on the subject of near-death experiences being reported by people …

The case for the existence of the human spirit, which is separate from our physical body

In his story about the death of a rich man and a poor man named Lazarus in Luke 16, Jesus very clearly revealed that our bodies include a spirit. We are told that after Lazarus died, the angels carried his spirit to heaven. The rich man ended up in what would be referred to as Hades, a place of torment. It is obvious from this account that though in a spiritual state, both men were self-aware. The rich man experienced deep pain and agony and knew that his five brothers needed to spiritually repent. This leads us to Angel Studio’s latest documentary production, After Death, which tells the story of Captain Dale Black’s near encounter with death. The documentary grossed over $5 million in a limited theater release across America this past weekend. This not only made it the fourth-highest-grossing movie over the weekend but the highest-grossing Christian documentary ever produced, the Christian Post reports. The movie tells the story of the near-death experience of Dale Black who 50 years ago at the age of …

Battling the spirit of death through prayer

AG News reported on the interesting battle that Pastor Frederick Virtucio had with the spirit of death. Virtucio is the senior pastor of Freedom Church, an Assemblies of God Church in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He was also part of the Filipino American (Fil-Am) Assemblies of God Ethnic Fellowship, a group of Churches within the Assemblies of God working with the Filipino community. Virtucio was attending a Fil-Am meeting on the East Coast of America. While he was attending the Saturday night meeting, his wife and children were helping their youngest son move out of his dorm room. But the Fil-Am meeting took a strategic turn. After the worship time had ended, the guest speaker said instead of listening to him preach, the group urgently needed to pray because he felt that they were being attacked by a spirit of death. Along with those in attendance, for the next hour, Virtucio interceded resisting the spirit of death, and particularly focused on his family. Towards the end of this prayer session, Virtucio received an unexpected call from …

Holy Spirit fire breaks out in Grayson, Kentucky

New Beginnings Assembly of God church in Grayson, Kentucky is a small church that had an average Sunday morning attendance of 100 people about three months ago. Then something strange happened in the church pastored by Kyle Burchett. During a morning service, a young woman rushed to the front of the church just before Burchett was to speak asking to be water baptized, AG News reports. When Burchett suggested that they would be able to handle her request at the end of the service, the woman insisted that she needed to be baptized at that moment. Burchett, thinking one baptism would not be too much of a disruption, agreed to it. But that request opened the floodgates as 30 more people decided they wanted to get baptized that morning. Before baptizing each individual, Burchett made sure that all of them had received Christ. However, this flood of baptisms that morning was simply an outward sign that the Holy Spirit was moving on the small-town congregation, which has since grown to 160 people. ā€œThe Spirit of …

The miraculous conversion of a Hezbollah fighter

Hezbollah, which literally means the Party of God, is an Islamic paramilitary group and extremist political party based out of Lebanon. It is reportedly backed by the Iranian government and the group’s name was given to it by Ayatollah Khomeini and was initially started with 1,500 men from the Iranian National Guard. And to this day, one of Hezbollah’s primary goals is to eliminate Israel as a nation. So it is all the more amazing when you read of a former Hezbollah fighter, Afshin Javid, conversion to Christ. Javid who leads a ministry called Cyrus Call shared his story with CBN. He was traveling to the US with the goal of converting Christians to Islam when he was arrested in Malaysia. At this point, Javid was absolutely devoted to Islam and read through his Koran completely every ten days. He prayed daily, hated the Jews, and believed that Hitler was a good person, because of what he did to the Jews, but failed because he hadn’t finished the job. But one day as he was …

Woman divinely healed of motor neuron transmission disorder

This testimony by Liz Wright actually reveals two miracles, the miracle of creation and the miracle of divine healing. In a recent video on God TV, Wright, who heads the International Mentoring Community, shared how she was healed of an affliction called the motor neuron transmission disorder. Also called ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease, the name of a professional baseball player diagnosed with the affliction, it is a rare condition that affects our ability to function. When a person decides to pick up a coffee cup and have a drink, the brain instantaneously sends out neurons through our nervous system telling the appropriate muscles to make the necessary movements to accomplish the task. This would involve several muscles in the arms, wrists, hands, and fingers. Of course, neurons would also be sent to the head, mouth, and salivary glands as well in preparation. The body has approximately 500,000 neurons that function in this capacity. Some of them are voluntary, waiting for instructions, others are involuntary giving you the ability to move your hand away when …

Healing from incurable cancer through persevering prayer

18Ā Now He was telling them a parable to show that at all times theyĀ ought to pray and notĀ become discouraged. (Luke 18:1 NASV) After being diagnosed with stage four melanoma in his sinus cavity in November 2020, David BakerĀ could only helplessly watch as the tumor grew on the side of his face, CBN reports. This was because it was inoperable and because of the type of cancer it could not be treated with chemo. David had gone to the doctor initially because of repeated nosebleeds and this resulted in the removal of a polyp from his sinus. However, shortly after that, his face began to swell. When they returned to the doctor a CT Scan revealed that he had stage four melanoma and the prognosis was bad, because there was nothing that could be done. As the tumor grew it began horribly disfiguring his face and reached the point where he was unable to see out of his right eye. Though medicine could offer no cure, people were praying for David. This not only included people …

Despite her unbelief and feelings that God hated her, Miriam was healed of facial paralysis

When Miriam Evans was in her 20s she experienced a neurological disorder that resulted in the left side of her face becoming paralyzed. Not only did it affect her appearance, but made it complicated to eat and drink because when she drank, the fluid would dribble out of the left side of her mouth. She went for several tests including an MRI scan, but doctors were unable to determine what was causing the neurological disorder. It was an embarrassing affliction and because it was also noticeable when she talked, Miriam began pulling back from meeting new people. However, in a video on the YouTube channel, Supernatural Stories, Miriam shared her story of divine healing When the neurological disorder initially showed up in her life, Miriam had just met a group of Christians, made her own personal commitment to Christ, and started attending church. During one of the services, the leaders of the church mentioned that they believed in divine healing, and they wanted to pray for Miriam about her facial paralysis. When the pastor called …

NFL linebacker shares a mini-sermon on the healing of his four-year-old daughter at a post-game news conference

It seems that New Orleans Saints linebacker, Demario Davis, preached a mini-sermon instead of answering questions about his outstanding play in a news conference following the Saints’ recent 16-15 victory over the Tennessee Titans, CBN reports. Instead of discussing his outstanding defensive performance that included nine individual tackles, Davis, 34, talked about what really mattered to him, the healing of his 4-year-old daughter, Carly-Faith. Davis started by quoting from Revelation 3:20: “See, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him and eat with him and he with Me.” The outstanding linebacker who played in the NFL Pro Bowl in 2022, said his daughter, who was diagnosed with a rare cancer, retinoblastoma in 2020, was at a friend’s house when she suffered a severe epileptic seizure that lasted over 30 minutes. Carly-Faith has been free of the cancer for about two years and the epileptic attack caught the family totally off guard. His wife traveled with their daughter in the …

3 qualities of a powerful Christian

ā€œ…but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.ā€ — Daniel 11:32 By Andrew Hopkins Part of our nature as believers in Jesus is to demonstrate the power of God. A powerless Christianity is no Christianity at all. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever and He is still doing His work of saving, healing, and setting people free. Although some may have apprehension about the power of God moving because of a negative experience, it doesnā€™t change the fact that God is still in the miracle-working business. His heart is that there would be powerful believers who walk in holiness and integrity as they reveal the reality of God. When I was in Malawi, Africa this year, we participated in street evangelism. On one particular occasion, I walked up to a barber shop and the young man running it came out to talk.  My friend and I began sharing the gospel with him and he immediately let me know that he was Muslim. He also wanted to …

We need an expectation of miracles

I believe one of the keys to seeing miracles released in our lives is expectation. We should expect the Holy Spirit to heal people. In fact, we should be surprised when He doesn’t. We see the opposite effect of this in the Gospel of Matthew. When Jesus came to His hometown of Nazareth and began performing healings, we are told that the people in the community were astonished by the miracles (Matthew 13:54). In other words, they were surprised. They weren’t expecting them and I believe this lack of expectation, which was undergirded by unbelief, resulted in a lack of miracles in Nazareth. As he summed up Christ’s ministry in Nazareth, Matthew writes, “And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief” (Matthew 13:58). We need to start developing an expectation that the Holy Spirit is going to move in power. We should expect miracles because Jesus promised we would perform even greater miracles than He had (John 14:12). With that as the cue, I want to share two amazing healing miracles. …

Healed on the gurney as he was being wheeled into the operating room

An interesting Instagram post about how God healed a person while he was being wheeled into a hospital operating room reminds me of the story of the healing of the lepers in the Gospels. Anthony Kennada, who is CEO of Audience Plus, shared how at 30 years of age he started to experience an abnormal heart rhythm, also referred to as arrhythmia, God TV reports. After being admitted to the hospital for the condition, doctors spent several days trying to get his heart beating properly using medication. When that proved unsuccessful, the doctors recommended an electrical shock treatment to try to restore the proper heartbeat. Concerned about the seriousness of this procedure, Anthony had been wanting to avoid shocking his heart, but with this now his own alternative, Anthony finally surrendered himself and the situation to God and turned to prayer. ā€œYou know, if, like literally, if this is it, if this is the end of my life as a result of the procedureā€¦ I just fully give control away,ā€ Anthony prayed. The procedure was …

Hundreds Gather to Dedicate the Site for the Construction of the World’s Largest Christian Landmark, the ‘Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer’

Hundreds of Christians gathered on land near Coleshill, Birmingham, England on Thursday, June 8, 2023, that was chosen as the site for the construction of the world’s largest Christian landmark called the Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer, Premier Christian News reports. The group made up of Christians from a variety of church backgrounds ranging from Greek Orthodox to Pentecostal prayed, blew shofars, and dedicated the land set aside for the project expected to be completed by 2026. As part of the dedication, the organizers set up ten prayer stations around the site that provided an overview of what the landmark will look like. Each station also had one story of answered prayer taken from a database of tens of thousands of instances of answered prayer gathered by the organizers. One person attending the event realized that he was actually the answer to a prayer mentioned at one of the stations. “It was the miraculous story of a baby proclaimed dead by the familyā€™s GP, only to be found alive and healthy after an evening spent …