All posts tagged: WK

114 | A Conversation with Diane Harrison on the Gift of Prophecy

Dean Smith interviews Diane Harrison on the Gift of Prophecy. Diane serves as the Prophetic coordinator for LifeLinks, an international network of churches.

Man in a field holding a head of wheat

It is time to retool our evangelism through words of knowledge

According to recent polling by Pew Research, nearly a third of Americans (28%) classify themselves as ‘religious nones’. This means they have answered agnostic, atheist, or have chosen ‘nothing in particular’ when asked about what religion they follow. While this can be concerning, it is an indication that Christians may need to retool our evangelism, particularly the use of the word of knowledge when it comes to sharing our faith. The word of knowledge is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, where a person receives divine revelation about another person or situation that they would otherwise not know (1 Corinthians 12:8). This revelation can often be used to open a person’s heart to the realities of Jesus. How many people have heard sermons where preachers quoted Jesus telling His disciples, “Behold, I tell you, raise your eyes and observe the fields, that they are white for harvest” (John 4:35 NASV). We are then told because the fields are ripe for harvest, we need to go out and share our faith. Except that is …

A wooded area in the winter

Does God speak to us today? A searcher who found a lost 4-year-old boy believes God does

When we enter into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, our bodies literally become temples as the Holy Spirit now resides inside us (1 Corinthians 6:19). Through this, the Holy Spirit also provides us with a variety of gifts such as prophecy, discernment, and healing, allowing us to minister to others. One of those revelatory gifts includes the word of knowledge, where the Holy Spirit provides divine insight about a situation, that we otherwise would not know. I wonder if this gift was activated in a recent incident involving a lost boy in Alabama, USA. Phenix Wilkerson, a 4-year-old red-headed boy, was reported missing by his parents at around noon on Friday, Jan. 12, 2024. He had wandered away from his family, who were at a campground near Clayton, Alabama, the Daily Mail reports. The news was concerning because Phenix is also autistic and unable to communicate, and was shoeless when he wandered away. After search parties had been scouring the area for nearly two days, there was still no sign of Phenix by Sunday. …

Word of knowledge reveals the name of a woman’s unknown birth father

The word of knowledge is one of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit that is distributed to believers mentioned by the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 12. 8 For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, and to another the word of knowledge according to the same Spirit; (1 Corinthians 12:8 NASV) It is defined as receiving revelatory information about a person or situation, either past or present, that a person would have otherwise not known about. And in a story on God TV, Deanna Shrodes shared the remarkable story of how God revealed the name of her birth father, through a word of knowledge. Deanna works in the ministry with her husband Larry where they pastor a church outside of Tampa, Florida. She had been adopted as an infant and never knew her birth parents When she was 27 years old, Deanna was finally able to track down her biological mother. Though they developed a relationship over the next 20 years before her mother died of cancer in 2019, she …

Does the Holy Spirit still speak to people today? Tim Halfin thinks He does!

On Wednesday, Oct 6, 2021, three-year-old Christopher Ramirez was outside playing with a neighbourhood puppy. It is uncertain exactly what happened next, but it is believed the pup wandered off and the toddler followed the dog disappearing into a large wooded area near the family home in Grimes County, Texas. Over the next couple of days, members of the family, police, and community volunteers launched a major search effort for the toddler but were unable to find him. Then a strange thing happened at a Bible study, held twice a month, at a neighbourhood church. Tim Halfin was attending the Friday evening study when someone brought up the missing boy and asked for prayer. According to the Western Journal, Halfin, who had not heard about the disappearance, immediately sensed the Holy Spirit prompting him to join the search for Christopher. Halfin had felt similar promptings in the past and knew that God was speaking to him and decided to search for Christopher the following Saturday morning. Though he had no idea where to look, Halfin …