All posts filed under: z343

Has a religious ideology, ‘Holy Rus’, played a role in Putin’s invasion of Ukraine?

Premier Christian News reports that a religious ideology associated with the Russian Orthodox Church headquartered in Moscow may be part of the driving force behind Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. In fact, several hundred people have already signed a petition organized by a group called Public Orthodoxy, condemning the weaponization of Christianity in the war. According to its website, Public Orthodoxy provides “scholarly research on a wide variety of topics related to the history, thought, and culture of Orthodox Christianity.” In its petition, Public Orthodoxy states that Russian President Vladimir Putin along with the senior leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church has embraced what is described as a Russian world ideology referred to as ‘Holy Russia’ or ‘Holy Rus.’ On its website, Public Orthodoxy described the fundamental principle behind this new ideology: The teaching states that there is a transnational Russian sphere or civilization, called Holy Russia or Holy Rus’, which includes Russia, Ukraine and Belarus (and sometimes Moldova and Kazakhstan), as well as ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking people throughout the world. It holds that …

The Real Battle is Spiritual

By C. Peter Wagner    Warfare prayer, as I have been describing it, is a new concept to the great majority of American Christians. Many are beginning to ask whether given their traditions and training it could ever be integrated into their ministry. But Americans are not alone. Even Argentine pastors struggle with some of the same theological practical issues. Learning the Lesson I greatly enjoyed talking to Pastor Alberto Prokopchuk of the Los Olivos Baptist Church in the city of La Plata, Argentina, because I could identify so closely with his background. His traditional Baptist ministerial training had not included a course in Spiritual Warfare 101. His ministry at Los Olivos Baptist was not much different from what we observe in so many typical churches in our American cities: good, solid Bible teaching ministry; a relatively high moral standard; the fruit of the spirit manifested to a reasonable degree and church members who pray, tithe, attend service, and witness to their neighbors when the opportunity presents itself. All this, and no growth! Under Alberto’s …

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Pero Satanás nos impidió

English version: But Satan hindered us Fue una fría noche de invierno en el norte de Saskatchewan, Canadá, con mi novia en ese momento y después esposa.  Estabamos conduciendo en una carretera solitaria en la via a visitar a mis padres. Habíamos comenzado este largo viaje de seis horas en las últimas horas de la tarde. Habia solamente un automóvil que nos seguía detrás de nosotros dos. No había mucho tráfico. Pero dos luces parpadeantes a la distancia viniendo por la otra via oscura advertían de un vehículo que se acercaba. Cuando el auto se acercó, de repente se desvió hacia nuestro carril. Mi esposa que estaba conduciendo se asusto mucho y tiró el volante hacia la derecha hundiendo nuestro auto en una zanja. Llegamos a la zanja a toda velocidad y la nieve profunda agarró nuestras ruedas delanteras y nuestro automóvil empezó a rodar no de costado, sino de extremo a extremo: de atrás para adelante. De repente, mi esposa y yo estábamos colgando boca abajo en nuestro auto. Recuerdo tratando de agarrar las …