All posts tagged: Baptism

US Navy personnel being Water Baptized in the Jordan River, Israel in 2014

Former Wiccan, Jenny Weaver, baptizes 2,000 in a fountain over the weekend

This past weekend, thousands of people stated their lives were transformed by a mass baptism that took place in a water fountain in Texas, CBN reports. Jenny Weaver, a former Wiccan, baptized an estimated 2,000 people in a water fountain outside Trinity Church based in Cedar Hill, Texas on Sunday, May 26, 2024. Back in March, God spoke to Weaver about participating in a coming revival which would include a ‘summer of baptisms’ as she baptized 200 people on Easter Sunday on a Florida beach. The Texas service, which lasted five hours, even featured people in wheelchairs being lowered into the fountain to be baptized. “Lowering people in the water who were in wheelchairs and they wanted to get baptized like this sweet woman right here! The power of God was moving so strong for these baptisms … I’ll never forget this,” Weaver posted on social media. There were also reports of hundreds of people getting saved during the service and others being filled with the Holy Spirit. “We experienced Acts 2 yesterday at the …

12,000 people water water-baptized in California over the weekend

A two-day event resulted in over 12,000 people being water-baptized in California this past weekend (May 18-19, 2024) at multiple venues across the state, CBN reports. Baptize California was organized by Mark Francey who pastors Oceans Church in Irvine, California. The main event saw over 6,000 people water baptized at Huntington Beach. It is believed to be the largest mass water baptism ever recorded in the US, beating the previous record of 4,600 set by Greg Laurie in 2023. The water baptisms were scheduled as part of this year’s Pentecost Sunday service when over 3,000 people were saved and water baptized nearly 2,000 years ago when the Holy Spirit fell in Jerusalem (Acts 2:41). It is believed, that the early church probably conducted a similar mass baptism. “It was a surreal and extraordinary day!” Francey said in an interview with CBN News. “[It] felt like we were living in the pages of the books of Acts!” However, the logistics to handle the baptism of 6,000 people at Huntington Beach required the event to be spread …

How a supernatural vision led to one of the largest water baptisms in America’s history

Jesus told His disciples, “My sheep hear my voice” and I believe the Lord speaks to us through the Holy Spirit. We see an example of this in Acts 8, when Philip encountered the Ethiopian Eunuch. We are told that God spoke to Philip in two ways. First, we are told that an Angel of the Lord appeared to Philip telling him, “Go south to the road—the desert road—that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza” (verse 26). Some suggest the angel may have spoken to Philip through a vision or a dream. Then as Philip walked down this road, we read that Jesus communicated with Philip again when he encountered a chariot, but in a different way. “Then the Spirit said to Philip, ‘Go up and join this chariot,’” Luke writes in verse 29. We are not told specifically how the Holy Spirit spoke to Philip, but it does not appear to be through a prophetic word or word of knowledge given by another individual. The Holy Spirit communicated this message directly to Philip, who …

Russell Brand in September 2020

Russel Brand announced plans to be baptized on Sunday, April 28, 2024

Russel Brand, a controversial British comedian, actor, and podcaster, just announced on April 26, that he will be getting baptized this Sunday (April 28, 2024), Fox News reports. Over the past several months, Brand has been expressing an increased interest in the Christian faith. This included videos stating that he has started reading the Bible and notable Christian author, CS Lewis. In one video, he also explained his decision to wear a Christian cross and even discussed the possibility of getting water baptized. “What’s been explained to me is, it’s an opportunity to die and be reborn. An opportunity to leave the past behind and be reborn in Christ’s name,” Brand said in his most recent video. “Like it says in Galatians: that you can live as an enlightened and awakened person,” Brand added. He also said that as the world seems to be getting crazier, he has noticed a growing interest in the Christian faith. “People are so cynical about the increasing interest in Christianity and the return to God, but to me, it’s …

Arch of Triumph, Paris, France

Over 12,000 people were water-baptized in France on Easter Sunday

Despite reports that France is going through what is described as a period of ‘de-Christianization’, a remarkable thing took place in Catholic Churches across France on Easter Weekend as over 12,000 people were water baptized, CBN reports. The Catholic Church focuses on baptizing infants, who are baptized without making a faith commitment. However, the number of infants being baptized has been declining for several years, making what happened on Easter Sunday even more significant. This is because the majority of the baptisms, 7100, involved adults and the remaining 5,000 were between the ages of 11 to 17. In other words, they involved people making the conscious choice to be baptized. France’s Roman Catholic Church traditionally hosts adult baptisms at Easter, and the number this year not only set a record but was 31% higher than the number of water baptisms at last year’s event. Also, young adults are expressing a renewed interest in faith, as the number of people between the ages of 18 and 25 being water baptized rose from 23% in 2023 to …

Russell Brand via YouTube capture

Russell Brand discusses water baptism and churches in a recent Instagram post

In a recent Instagram post, actor Russell Brand asked for advice on what church to attend and also had questions on water baptism, as he was considering that as well, the Christian Post reports. Brand has starred in several movies and is also a popular podcaster with 6.8 million followers on YouTube and over 1.8 million followers on Rumble. Brand, 48, who is facing numerous allegations of historical sexual assault, has indicated an increased interest in Jesus and the Christian faith since December 2023, when announcing he had started reading the Bible. Though he didn’t provide specific details in his most recent video, it appears he is taking an Alpha course at the Church of England. But was wondering about other denominations including the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic and asked what the difference was. He has been attending different churches and mentioned that one of his favorites was a Baptist church, that he had attended in the US. “The Baptist church was the best church experience I’ve ever had! Very exciting, so connected 🥰(I …

Painting of 3rd century water baptism from the Catacombs of San Callisto, Italy

Tennessee church sets a record for the number of single-day water baptisms

It was a record for the most water baptisms recorded in a single day at the First Baptist Church based in Hendersonville, Tennessee, the Christian Post reports. The church, which has an average Sunday attendance of 3,900 spread over four services, saw 93 people get water baptized: According to the Church’s senior pastor, Bruce Raley, perhaps the most significant thing about what happened this past Sunday was that the baptisms were spontaneous. People were not attending church expecting to be water baptized. However, because they were preaching on the importance of water baptism that morning, the church was prepared in case the Holy Spirit moved. A satellite city of Nashville, Hendersonville has a population of 62,000.

Florida State University's Westcott Fountain

God is on the Move: The Holy Spirit poured out at US Party School, and Hundreds Spontaneously Baptized

I am not sure what is going on, but over the past couple of years, there have been outbreaks of the Holy Spirit at universities, and meetings across the US. I believe something is building, God is on the move. The most recent involves Florida State University (FSU). With a student population of 45,000, the university has the reputation of being a party school. According to the website Niche, FSU is ranked as the second-biggest party university in the US, based on reviews by students. However, in a recent Instagram Post, NY Times best-selling author, Jennie Allen, reported that hundreds of students were baptized in the school’s Westcott Fountain after 4,500 students attended a free worship event on Feb. 15, 2024, CBN reports. “Hundreds of students came forward to trust Jesus. We can’t explain what’s happening apart from the Spirit,” writes Allen. Some put the number being baptized at close to 1,000. This response and desire to be baptized was completely spontaneous. “4,500 Florida State University (one of the biggest party schools in the nation) …

Curious Christian news Photo: Javi Sanchez de la Vina/Flickr/Creative Commons

News round up: Banning the Lord’s prayer, Jenner prayer and Bieber’s bathtub baptism

Just a brief write-up about a few stories that caught my attention this past week: Lord’s prayer banned in England The Lord’s prayer is a regular part of services in the Church of England. This year, the church produced an ad with each line being prayed by a different person. It starts with the leader of the Anglican Church, The Right Honourable Justin Welby. Welby who is the archbishop of Canterbury is part of the evangelical wing of the Anglican church. Other participants included a police officer, weight lifter, farmer and others. However, when the church approached Digital Cinema Media (DCM) to buy time for the ad to be run in movie theaters, the company refused stating it might cause offense. DCM sells 80% of the advertisements sold on England’s 2,929 movie screens. The controversy over the refusal generated great publicity for the ad now shown on YouTube and as well a strange ally. In an interview in The Guardian, atheist Richard Dawkins said: “I still strongly object to suppressing ads on the grounds that …

Baptismal service in Iran Photo: Elam Ministries

The strange Christian anomaly

ANOMALY: something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected. There is a strange anomaly that occurs when Christians are persecuted — the Church goes through an incredible growth spurt. We can see it happening in the Middle East. Last week, Elam Ministries reported that there have been large numbers of Iranians turning to Christ and is expecting over 450 water baptisms this fall. Elam reported that over 240 Iranians were recently baptized in two services and another 16 in a smaller service. A fourth baptism is scheduled where it anticipates another 200 Iranians will be baptized. Elam Ministries was started by Christian Iranians in 1990. Based in England, its mission is to strengthen and equip the Church in Iran. It conservatively estimates there are over 360,000 believers in Iran with most attending house churches. It has reported a remarkable growth in the Church since the 1979 Islāmic revolution. The larger Iranian baptismal services are often day long events including a common meal, prayer, worship, preaching and communion. Those being baptized tend to wear …

The traditional site on the Jordan River where John the Baptist baptized Jesus. Photo: Jan Smith/Flickr

The Key is the Word and the Word was the Key

“Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass that Jesus also was baptized; and while He prayed, the heaven was opened. And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven which said, “You are my beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.” (Luke 3:21-22 NKJV) Insomnia is never fun. Not long ago on a Wednesday night after struggling to fall asleep, I woke up again after two or three hours. As well as being frustrated with the pressure of having to work the next day on little sleep, the demonic darts started pushing all the wrong buttons (“You’re too old,” “God is finished with you,” “people have forgotten about you,” “you’re nothing,” etc.) I felt like I was being flushed down a large black toilet. A black demonic cloud was descending over my mind. Then I heard a still small voice: “the baptism of Jesus”. This phrase may not send the demonic hordes running in everyone’s life, but it did for …

Was Justin Bieber looking to get water baptized?

At times, Justin Bieber, 19, must feel his life is spiralling out of control as  he bounces from one conflict with police to another. There are hints Justin is becoming concerned and may be trying to change his life. A blog post on the New York Post’s Page Six reported Justin Bieber was recently looking to get water baptized. The unsuccessful attempt apparently took place on Saturday, February 1, 2014.