All posts filed under: z8

Just in case you think prayer doesn’t work

Was a potential mass murder at a McDonald’s restaurant in Fort Worth, Texas averted because of a mother’s prayer? I will let you decide. 24-year-old Jestin Anthony Joseph called his mother saying he was hearing voices. He said that people were trying to kill him and Jestin told his mom he was going to die tonight. His desperate mother did the only thing she could do for her distraught son — she and friends began to pray for her son.

What’s in a name?

Educators have known for years that elementary students will taunt kids with unusual names. In a study of this phenomenon, two psychologists, Herbert Harari and John McDavid, uncovered the powerful perceptions tied to names.[1] They had papers — supposedly written by grade four and five students — turned into teachers for marking. The only element changed in these reports was the name of the person who wrote it. Some of the papers were supposedly written by students with popular names such as David and Michael, while others by students with unusual names such as Hubert and Elmer. Despite the fact these papers were identical, David and Michael scored on average a full grade higher than the other two names. 

Miss Kay shares about the dark days before Duck Dynasty

Miss Kay is best known for her role as the family matriarch in the popular Duck Dynasty show  — the top reality TV program in the U.S. She along with her her husband Phil Robertson started ‘Duck Commander’ — a duck call manufacturer —  which became the basis for the show. Most of the men in the family sport full facial beards and come with a redneck edge. Through the show we see a strong sense of family and faith displayed by all members of the Robertson clan. But there is a dark side to their remarkable story.

The damaging power of words

A playtime children chant “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words may never hurt me” leaves the impression words are harmless.  But in fact words have power and the Bible speaks clearly on the damage words can inflict on a person’s heart. There is one who speaks rashly like the thrusts of a sword. (Proverbs 12:18a NASV) The Hebrew phrase “speaks rashly” refers to a word spoken “rashly” or “thoughtlessly.” It refers to words spoken with emotion. Words spoken in anger. Such words are compared to thrusts of a sword in the way they can inflict “internal wounds.” A study conducted by the researchers from the University of Michigan and University of Pittsburgh shows parents can inflict 

Robert Downey Jr Photo: Gage Skidmore/Flickr

Is Robert Downey Jr interested in Biblical end-times?

Robert Downey Jr is one of my favourite actors. I enjoyed his roles as Tom Stark in the Iron Man series and as Sherlock Holmes. Sometime back, Downey  was being interviewed by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show, when he made this surprising statement in response to Stewart’s question on optimism: “Here’s what I heard.” Downey said. “This was a discussion between a Russian military guy and Chuck Missler, who’s a Christian. … Love Chuck. … He asked the Russian guy is there hope for Western civilization,” “The Russian guy said you have to understand the difference between an optimist and a pessimist.

Sailors abandoning ships trapped by dramatic increase in Arctic ice

“What a strange world we live in … said Alice to the Queen of hearts” — Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland After a period of global warming, top scientists are now wondering if the earth is entering a cooling phase. This claim comes on the heels of NASA satellite images revealing a 60% increase in ice coverage in the Canadian arctic in a matter of a few months. The photos show nearly 1 million square miles of ice have been added to the Arctic since August of last year. In an article published in The Telegraph, University of Wisconsin Professor Anastasios Tsonis said: ‘We are already in a cooling trend, which I think will continue for the next 15 years at least. There is no doubt the warming

A tale of two notes: One a blessing, the other a curse

Ashley England of China Grove, N.C. has a special-needs, 8-year old child. The family was at a restaurant in the city on Friday, August 30, 2013 when their son, Riley, began to act up. Riley was shouting and loudly banging the table. It was obvious a number of patrons were becoming agitated by the noise. Ashley was embarrassed and frustrated as Riley had been acting our more in public lately. Then something incredible happened. A person in the restaurant

“Eye for an eye” means you love your neighbour as yourself

Español: “Ojo por ojo” significa que amas a tu prójimo como a ti mismo “eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,” Moses (Exodus 21:24 NASV) “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” Jesus (Mathew 22:39 NASV) At first glance, the Bible seems a book of extremes. In the rough and tumble Old Testament, you have the law demanding “eye for an eye” compensation if a person was injured. If you gouged out a person’s eye, then your eye was gouged out. Then in the New Testament you have Jesus who taught “love your neighbour.” Anyone reading these passages would be very confused —  “eye for an eye” does not seem very loving. But have you ever noticed there is something strangely missing in the Old Testament?  There is not one account of a person having their hand cut off or their eye gouged out due to a crime they committed — even though the law required it. Jesus wades into the controversy Then to make matters worse, Jesus weighs in …

What Stormy teaches us about trials, trust, faith and hearing the voice of God

[by Dean Smith] In 2010, Beka and her horse Stormy competed in the “Extreme Cowboy Race,” part of the Equine Affair held annually at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus, Ohio. Over 100,000 people attended the four-day affair. Though dozens of riders apply to compete only 30 are accepted. The event features obstacle courses, timed and judged events. But there was something about Stormy that set him apart from every other horse in that year’s event. Stormy is completely blind. This amazing story in many ways illustrates the believers faith walk with God. But perhaps the greatest lesson we learn is the vital connection between trust and faith. When she was 8-years old, Beka thought her parents were taking her to Dairy Queen to celebrate her birthday, instead they took Beka to a farm and introduced her to Stormy, a three-year old, unbroken horse they had bought for her. Beka said she immediately fell in love with this gangly colt, and despite being bucked off on her first ride attempt, she stubbornly broke the horse and …

Forgiving the Nazi SS

Corrie Ten Boom died April 15, 1983 on the same day she was born 91 years earlier. According to Jewish tradition, a person is considered especially blessed by God when this event occurs. Certainly the nation of Israel considered Corrie blessed when in 1967, it named her “Righteous among the nations” — a special award handed out to individuals who helped Jews escape the holocaust in World War II. Corrie was a Christian and during the war she and her family — who lived in Holland — were involved with the Dutch Resistance fighting the Nazis on their soil. The Ten Boom’s primary activity during those dark years was providing a “hiding place” for Jews trying to escape