All posts tagged: Intelligent design

A Shorea roxburghii tree has winged fruit which enables dispersal

Do ‘helicopter seeds’ speak of a designer and creator?

When we look at a helicopter, we have traditionally believed that this machine had a designer and creator. However, we really can’t be sure, because according to evolutionists the helicopter seeds that spin off the Shorea siamensis tree apparently just evolved by chance and circumstance. You can see them in action in the video below: If it could accidentally happen with Shorea siamensis seeds, obviously the helicopter could have easily evolved as well, because living things are infinitely more complicated than something made of metal and bolts. Or maybe, life on Earth had an intelligent designer and creator. The 196 species of Shorea trees are found in rainforests in Southeast Asia including the Philippines, Northern India, Indonesia, Cambodia, and Malaysia. This includes the Shorea siamensis which is found in mainland Southeast Asia and is particularly rare.

Male video games designer working in studio

Physics professor claims that we are living in an advanced computer simulation

In an interview with the Daily Mail, physics professor Melvin Vopson stated that there is substantial evidence that we are all simply characters in what is obviously an extremely advanced computer simulation game. Vopson is an associate professor at the University of Portsmouth, in Portsmouth, England. Bizarrely, his theory that we live in a computer simulation is yet another confirmation that God created humanity and earth. Some of the reasons that Vopson gives for this belief is that the rules (laws of physics) and design, we see in the world, are evidence of a designer or creator. As Jonathan Chadwick explains in his article for the Daily Mail: One of the most convincing clues, however, is the symmetry that we observe in the everyday world, from butterflies to flowers, snowflakes and starfish.  Symmetry is everywhere because it’s how the machines ‘render the digitally constructed world’, Professor Vopson told MailOnline.  ‘This abundance of symmetry (rather than asymmetry) in the universe is something that has never been explained,’ he said.  Vopson is actually planning future experiments to prove …

Is David Gelernter God’s response to Joshua Harris?

The Christian world was recently shaken when former mega church pastor and popular Christian author Joshua Harris publicly stated “I am not a Christian” and at the same time announced that he and his wife of 19 years were separating. Harris, 44, pastored Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, Maryland for 11 years and wrote several books including “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” that sold over a million copies. In his Instagram post, Harris stated: “The information that was left out of our announcement is that I have undergone a massive shift in regard to my faith in Jesus. The popular phrase for this is ‘deconstruction,’ the biblical phrase is ‘falling away.’ By all the measurements that I have for defining a Christian, I am not a Christian.” In simple terms it seems that Harris has now denied his faith. It is discouraging for believers to read of a man with some prominence in Christian circles walking away from Christianity. The Apostle Paul warned of a falling away that will take place in the end times (2 …

The beauty of creation. Credit: Max Norskog/Flickr/Creative Commons

Scientists who dissent on evolution

We are inundated constantly with messages on evolutionary theory. We see it referenced in movies, documentaries, newspapers, magazines, websites and even TV ads. Though flooded almost daily with this belief, many are unaware there is a growing list of scientists who openly question the very tenants of Darwin’s theory of evolution. This is happening because the evidence does not support the theory — one of the basic theorems of science. In fact, a website ( was set up a few years ago specifically for scientists having second thoughts about Darwin’s theory of evolution. In order to join this prestigious list, one must have a doctorate in one of the sciences such as chemistry, physics or biology or be a medical doctor. The signers must willingly subscribe to this basic belief: “We are skeptical of claims of the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.” This list — updated quarterly — is managed by the Discovery Institute and as …

Dr. Michio Kaku speaking in Brazil Photo: by Cristiano Sant' Anna - Campus Party Brasil/Flickr/Creative Commons

World-renown physicist Michio Kaku acknowledges the existence of God

Atheists enjoy mocking Christians accusing them of having a fairy-tale belief in Creation – that somehow there is a God who created heaven and earth. So what happens when a renown scientist, with a Doctorate in Physics, says he believes that there is an intelligent being who created the universe? Not only that, he came to this conclusion after his study of science. Meet world-renown American physicist Dr. Michio Kaku, 69. Born to Japanese parents, for 25 years he has held the Henry Semat Chair and professor of theoretical physics at City College of New York. His journey started as a student at Cubberley High School in Palo Alto, California. Kaku showed up at his school’s National Science Fair with a particle accelerator, an atom smasher, that he made in his parent’s garage. Though most were astounded by what he had created, Kaku looked upon it as a bit of a failure, as he had hoped to create a “a beam of gamma rays powerful enough to create antimatter.” But despite his invention’s shortcomings, Physicist …

An evolutionist comes clean on the impossibility of evolution by stating we are alone

[by Dean Smith] Evolutionists want everyone to think that science is settled on evolution — that it is a hard, cold scientific fact. But it is actually just a theory on how life developed on earth and it’s not a very good one. The Bible is very clear that God alone created the heavens and earth and all life on our planet. And at least one evolutionist has come clean on the impossible odds of evolution happening in a very odd way. In a recent documentary called “Human Universe,” produced by England’s BBC, Professor Brian Cox said he does not believe in aliens or any other form of extra terrestrial life on other planets. Why?

The single-celled bacteria that refuses to follow the evolutionary script

Evolutionists want you to believe that when life evolved on earth it started with  a very simple, single-celled bacteria. However, research is revealing that these single-celled bacteria are anything but simple. In November 2012, scientists from Osaka University in Japan and France’s Aix-Marseille Universite released a report showing the results of their study on how the MO-1 marine bacterium is able to move through water. This bacterium was found in rock that evolutionists consider to be three billion years old making it among the oldest forms found (again according to evolutionists who may now be regretting this declaration). 

Gears before its time

One of the earliest mentions of gears was made by Aristotle around 330 BC. He was referring to gears in a windlass used to lift heavy weights. He stated by reversing the rotation of the gears, the direction of the load could be changed. It was a wonderful invention for the time.  Archimedes (287-212 BC) an engineer and inventor incorporated gears into many of the inventions he designed. But it appears gears were in operation centuries before this. They were being used by Issus Coleoptratus (Issus C.) to jump. Issus C. is a simple plant hopping bug common in England and Europe. It is part of a group of insects referred to as Planthoppers. Jumping for Issus C. is a complicated process. Any difference in thrust or timing between its two back legs would cause it to spin out of control. To solve the problem, Issus C, uses gears.