All posts tagged: health risks marijuana

Man rolling a marijuana joint

Smoking marijuana daily increases the risk of heart attack by 25% and stroke by 42%, study finds

A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association has concluded there are serious health issues associated with the daily smoking of marijuana, Breitbart reports. The study funded by the National Institutes of Health found that those who smoked Marijuana daily “were 25% more likely to have a heart attack than those who didn’t use the drug at all. The daily habit also increased their chances of having a stroke by 42%.” The researchers noted that smoking Cannabis had the same health impact as smoking cigarettes and while health issues associated with smoking cigarettes are on the decline, the health issues with marijuana are increasing. The researchers added, that with the current trend, it is not inconceivable that Marijuana will exceed cigarettes in terms of the causative factor of health problems for Americans. In addition to this, the potency and addictive nature of Marijuana have dramatically risen over the past couple of decades, resulting in increasing mental health issues among users. Of course, activists were able to successfully pressure politicians into legalizing Marijuana …