All posts filed under: z557

US Navy personnel being Water Baptized in the Jordan River, Israel in 2014

Former Wiccan, Jenny Weaver, baptizes 2,000 in a fountain over the weekend

This past weekend, thousands of people stated their lives were transformed by a mass baptism that took place in a water fountain in Texas, CBN reports. Jenny Weaver, a former Wiccan, baptized an estimated 2,000 people in a water fountain outside Trinity Church based in Cedar Hill, Texas on Sunday, May 26, 2024. Back in March, God spoke to Weaver about participating in a coming revival which would include a ‘summer of baptisms’ as she baptized 200 people on Easter Sunday on a Florida beach. The Texas service, which lasted five hours, even featured people in wheelchairs being lowered into the fountain to be baptized. “Lowering people in the water who were in wheelchairs and they wanted to get baptized like this sweet woman right here! The power of God was moving so strong for these baptisms … I’ll never forget this,” Weaver posted on social media. There were also reports of hundreds of people getting saved during the service and others being filled with the Holy Spirit. “We experienced Acts 2 yesterday at the …

Tim Tebow with John 3:16 under his eyes

When John 3:16 was googled 90 million times and the strange coincidences that followed

Many of us are familiar with John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” But you may not be familiar with the day, that verse was googled over 94 million times during a college football game, and the odd coincidences that followed after it was googled 90 million times during an NFL playoff. It all started when quarterback Tim Tebow decided to change the Biblical verse that he wrote over his eye black during college football games. Tebow, a born-again Christian, was the Heisman winning Quarterback for the University of Florida Gators. When he started his college career, he saw players putting black tape beneath their eyes to reduce the glare and writing their mom’s name on it or other messages. Following suit, Tim decided that this would be a good way to incorporate a Biblical message and wrote the citation for Philippians 4:13 using a white marker, Faithit reports. The word Philippians was written beneath his …

Pastor Ed Newton speaking at Community Bible Church in San Antonio, Texas

When a homeless man swore in church

Ed Newton pastors Community Bible Church (CBC) in San Antonio, Texas. It is a mega church with 25,000 people attending the five services scheduled throughout the day at the main church and two satellite churches. Originally, from a Baptist background, Newton had an encounter with the Holy Spirit about three years ago, that resulted in him being filled with the Holy Spirit and moving in the gifts. “Lord, I want more of you. I’m not seeking the Spirit for stage giftings because that’s ‘seven sons of Sceva stuff’,” Newton said, describing what happened. One of Newton’s sermons at the end of April 2024 went viral after a man named Anthony stood up during the middle of the sermon and started shouting and cussing, Church Leaders reports. Anthony shouted “Bulls**t!” when Newton was speaking about how the religious people in Jesus’ day, like the Pharisees, didn’t believe they were lost. Newton stopped the service and politely asked Anthony to quit swearing because of the children. The service then went in a completely different direction as Newton …