All posts filed under: z531

A Shorea roxburghii tree has winged fruit which enables dispersal

Do ‘helicopter seeds’ speak of a designer and creator?

When we look at a helicopter, we have traditionally believed that this machine had a designer and creator. However, we really can’t be sure, because according to evolutionists the helicopter seeds that spin off the Shorea siamensis tree apparently just evolved by chance and circumstance. You can see them in action in the video below: If it could accidentally happen with Shorea siamensis seeds, obviously the helicopter could have easily evolved as well, because living things are infinitely more complicated than something made of metal and bolts. Or maybe, life on Earth had an intelligent designer and creator. The 196 species of Shorea trees are found in rainforests in Southeast Asia including the Philippines, Northern India, Indonesia, Cambodia, and Malaysia. This includes the Shorea siamensis which is found in mainland Southeast Asia and is particularly rare.

Women in Iran. Photo: Sebastia Giralt/Flickr/Creative Commons

How an Iranian woman, married at 13, came to Christ through dreams and visions

In an interview with CBN, the US director of Transform Iran, Lana Silk, spoke of the impact dreams and visions are having in leading Iranians and other Middle Easterners into a relationship with Christ, Faithwire, reports. It’s a serious decision for Muslims to become Christian in Iran as it can lead to banishment by their family. They can also potentially face arrest, because it is actually illegal for a Muslim to convert to Christianity in that country. As a result, many often need God’s direct intervention to help them make the decision and one of those ways is through dreams. “The Iranians are open to dreams; they are dreamers. They enjoy talking about their dreams, and they’re aware of their dreams, and God uses that to speak to them,” Silk said in the interview. She cited an example of one Muslim woman who was involved in an abusive relationship after being married at the age of 13. The woman started having visions of Jesus standing in her doorway and as well dreams, where Christ was …

Guitarist plays on of bass guitar

Is the spiritual battle getting real? What is going on with music?

Christians have talked about spiritual warfare in the past, but there are indications it is starting to get very real. Shane Lynch, 47, is a singer and TV personality from Ireland. He is most famous for having been a member of the Boyzone, which was a popular boy band in the 1990s. Shane became a Christian in 2003, and according to an article in New Life, as a teenager, he “was frequently visited by grotesque evil spirits who tortured his mind and left him paralyzed.” This resulted in him consulting psychics and mediums, who left him believing that “he was possessed by an evil spirit.” So with some familiarity with the satanic realm, in a recent interview with Ireland’s Sunday World, Shane warned that he is starting to see demonic influences in music. He specifically cited Taylor Swift, and Shane suggested she is actually “performing satanic rituals” during her concerts. “You’ll see a lot of hoods up and masks on and fire ceremonies,” Shane said. “Even down to Taylor Swift — one of the biggest …

When it defies the laws of physics, it tells us one thing

On February 12, 2024, an American Airlines pilot, radioed air traffic controllers about a bizarre UFO sighting while on his flight from Boston to Middleton, PA, WOKQ Radio reports. The pilot stated “It literally went from one coast to the other in front of us, and then it went up, like, 30°, turned up its lights or whatever it had. It looked like it was a bright orangy thing, and since we spoke last, it’s flashed us three or four times.” When the controller stated it was probably the lights from another aircraft, the pilot stated that it couldn’t have been another plane because it “went 180 in like a second.” In other words, it was defying all the known laws of physics, and nothing on this earth can do this. The pilot finishes by stating, “Yup, this definitely wasn’t an airplane.” Now many suggest, like David Hookstead did in his article for OutKick, that “it means the technology is far superior to anything the public knows about.” In other words, this is possibly an …

Vending machines in Kyoto, Japan

Vending machines using facial recognition software?

Students at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada were shocked when they discovered that a vending machine on the campus was using facial recognition software without their consent, CBN reports. Students only became aware that the M&M vending machine was doing this when a fourth-year computer student, River Stanley, reported an unusual error that popped up on its display while he was making a purchase. It read: “Invenda.Vending. FacialRecognition.App.exe — Application error.” When Stanley wrote about his discovery in one of the university’s newsletters, MathNews, he asked, “Why does it have a facial recognition app? How can this error even exist? We wouldn’t have known if it weren’t for the application error. There’s no warning here.” The students were predictably outraged and responded by putting tape and post-it notes over the machine’s sensors. The manufacturer of the machines, Invenda, a Swiss-based company, stated that the software does not collect or store images, but rather uses it to determine when someone is about to make a purchase, so it can activate its software. “However, according …

Half the people watching ‘The Chosen’ are not Christians, survey finds

According to recent data, nearly half the people who are watching the popular TV series The Chosen, are not Christians, Christian Headlines reports. The popular series, now in its fourth season, depicts the life of Jesus and His disciples as recorded in the Gospels. Its popularity is due in part to the show’s portrayal of the disciples as real people complete with the foibles that plague us all. In an interview with Christian Headlines, The Chosen VP Katherine Warnock said that survey data revealed that half of those watching, “were either practicing Christians or cultural Christians. And then the other half were either curious about Christianity or just no Christian faith. And we were deeply surprised about that” She added that the same data also showed that a significant percentage of viewers were Gen Z or younger, which was again surprising since they expected it to appeal to an older audience. Warnock also added that there was even a split between male and female viewership.

Is a potential split looming in the Roman Catholic Church?

There have been two major schisms in the Roman Catholic Church. The first took place in 1054 AD, when two groups split forming what would become the Orthodox and Catholic churches. The split was primarily over what patriarch controlled the church and the use of icons. The second occurred in 1517 after Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on the door of his church in Wittenberg, Germany calling for reform of the Catholic Church because of its rampant corruption. The church’s rejection of these changes led to the formation of the protest or protestant church. Now there is talk of a third major schism or division due to the recent attempts by Pope Francis to liberalize the Roman Catholic Church, WND reports. In addition to moving the church away from its traditional views including allowing priests to bless same-sex unions, Pope Francis has also been removing or sanctioning Conservative Bishops who oppose his progressive changes. This included Joseph Strickland, a popular Texas bishop. According to an article by Eric Lyman in Just the News, these …