All posts filed under: z458

Should we read any more into two odd coincidences, one that took place this year and the second 3,000 years ago?

The four-horseman of the Apocalypse that the Apostle John saw being released on the world in his vision of the end times is perhaps one of his best-known apocalyptic references, other than the anti-Christ and the mark of the beast. With that in mind, many people in Britain, and around the world, were stunned to see video and images of a bloodied white horse and black horse charging through the streets of London, England on Wednesday, April 24, 2024. The horses were part of a group of seven horses in training with a British army cavalry unit. The animals were startled by a work project going on nearby, and four horses bucked off their riders. Five horses managed to escape. Three were recaptured soon after, while the remaining two, a black and white horse, charged wildly down the streets of London for another six miles before finally being corralled. Both were immediately taken to a vet and the army is reporting that both horses are recovering. What made this imagery particularly bizarre was the videos …

Empty hospital bed

Canada: Woman asked to donate dying husband’s organs who had been refused a transplant because he was unvaccinated

Garnet Harper, 35, recently died in May 2023 after hospitals in that country refused to give him a kidney transplant because he did not have a COVID vaccine. Harper had been diagnosed with stage five kidney disease in 2022 and even though two of his brothers offered to donate kidneys, the government-run Canadian hospitals refused to perform the surgery because of Harper’s unvaccinated status. But according to his wife, Meghan, as he lay dying in his hospital bed, she was contacted by officials with the Trillium Gift of Life Network (TGLN) asking if she would donate her soon-to-be dead, husband’s organs for transplants, Life Site News reports. As a general rule, hospital officials contact TGLN about potential candidates for organ donation. The organization then contacts family members about donating their loved one’s organs. Nurses at the hospital had told Meghan to expect a call from TGLN. When the call finally arrived, Meghan explained to the TGLN representative that her husband was dying because the hospital refused to perform a transplant operation because of his vaccine …

Angel Studios’ ‘Sound of Freedom’ set to break $150 million in box office sales

With over $12.8 million in box office sales this past weekend, Sound of Freedom is poised to break through the $150 million mark in total sales. According to Box Office Mojo, as of Sunday night, the movie had total sales of $149,376,782. Its success is even catching the attention of movie theaters as this past weekend, it was shown in 3,411 theaters up from 2,852 on its release date, July 4, 2023. Despite new movies hitting the theaters this past weekend, it was still the fourth most watched movie in America behind Barbie (4,337 theaters), Oppenheimer (3,647 theaters), and the newly released Haunted Mansion (3,740 theaters), but ahead of Mission Impossible — Dead Reckoning Part One. It is an incredible feat for a movie, produced by an independent Christian studio and starring Christian actors. READ: Angel Studios ‘Sound of Freedom’ Continues as Box Office Hit, Nears $150M Mark

Alleged unlicensed bio-lab with dangerous pathogens and connections to China found in California warehouse

Authorities have allegedly uncovered an unlicensed, biotech laboratory with connections to China in a warehouse located in the town of Reedley, California, The Daily Mail reports. According to reports, authorities found hundreds of vials containing several deadly pathogens at the black market lab including streptococcus pneumonia, malaria, E. Coli, HIV, chlamydia, herpes 1 and 5, rubella and hepatitis B and C. The Daily Mail provides more details: If it were not for an errant hose sticking out of the back of the warehouse last spring, city officials would not have known that a shady biotech company with links to China had set up shop there, filling it with industrial freezers, hundreds of vials of pathogens, and about 1,000 dead and dying lab mice. Government investigators also found Covid diagnostic and pregnancy tests at the underground testing facility that they believed were being developed there, in addition to at least 20 stored infectious agents, including coronavirus, HIV, hepatitis, and herpes. The lab was run under a company called Prestige Biotech unlicensed for business in California, whose …

Chinese zoo denies it is using human stand-ins for its bears

Hangzhou Zoo in China was forced to issue a statement after people accused the zoo of using people disguised as bears in its displays, the New York Post reports. The accusations started when a video emerged of a Malaysian sun bear standing on its legs that had a startling resemblance to a human in a bear costume. Not only were its legs slender and human-like, but unnatural folds in the skin seemed to suggest this was a costume and not a real bear. The zoo immediately denied the allegations insisting it was a real bear. This is not the first time that such accusations have surfaced involving Chinese zoos, as the New York Post explains: “Other Chinese zoos have also been accused of misleading guests about their animals — with allegations including dyeing dogs to look like wolves or African cats and painting donkeys to look like zebras.” There are also persistent rumors with credible evidence that COVID-19 was not only leaked but actually created at the government-run Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. …

Coins stacked on top of a computer keyboard

A sign of the times? Banks closing accounts of Christians and conservatives

17 and he decrees that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. (Revelation 13:17 NASV) In Apostle John’s vision of events that would be taking place in the end times, he saw a time coming when people would not be able to buy or sell unless they took the Mark of the Beast. Over the years, many theories have emerged on what the Mark of the Beast entailed as John saw it being put on a person’s hand or forehead (Revelation 14:9). Perhaps the most popular theory involves having a computer chip inserted into a person’s hand in order for them to function in society. Certainly, this is already happening as chips are being inserted into people’s hands enabling them to make purchases and to open locked doors simply by waving their hand. But this chip theory doesn’t fit well with the Mark of the Beast being inserted in a person’s forehead. This has …

Barn revival meetings

Caleb Paker recently wrote an article about his attendance at a revival meeing that took place in a barn located near Findlay, Ohio. The speaker for the four nights was Texas, evangelist Joshua Fowler, and the meetings were held in a barn that had recently been purchased by Brendon and Anna Reiners. Parker writes: “You’re heard of the saying, ‘Were you born in a barn?’” Fowler began. “A whole lot of people are going to be Born Again in a barn. God has a harvest of souls…the Church is stepping out of the building.” For a teenager named John that became a reality. On the third night of the revival, he confessed Jesus as Lord and was baptized immediately after the service in an inflatable swimming pool that Brendon filled up in faith before the service. “People of all ages encountered the living God here this week,” the Reiners told me. “We had people set free from demonic oppression, physical healing, emotional and spiritual freedom/healing. We saw the beautiful joy of the Lord rise up and flood …

Nearly 70% of Americans believe angels are real, poll finds

According to a recent survey conducted by Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, 69% of Americans believe that angels are real, the New York Post reports. The same poll also found that nearly 80% of Americans believe in God and 72% believe in prayer. However, on the opposite end of the scale, only 56% believed that Satan is real. This disconnect leads to the very real problem that a significant percentage of Americans believe that all angels are good. Over the years, I have seen many so-called ‘religious’ websites that seem to focus on angels and their activity. However, the Apostle Paul provides a stark warning about becoming obsessed with angels, writing: 13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:13-15 NASV) In this verse, Paul says that Satan has the ability to disguise himself as an angel of light. This means he will literally put on the clothing of God, which is light, …

How to accomplish nothing: Emotions, Icons, and Mantras

Western culture, these days, could be described as feel-good. Accomplishing something seems to require emotions like anger, popular images, and common and familiar words and phrases. We win any argument if we can broadcast all three. We can be like angry people who shout and wave flags, and that can satisfy our search for truth. If you’re not sure what I mean, we have a recent example. You probably know that Sinéad O’Connor died recently at the age of 56. I was familiar with her songs, and I heard that she had converted to Islam, but I don’t know much more about her. I don’t need to know more, and you are in the same position. Our modern culture will tell us how to think without too many details: Notice, from the title of the CNN article above, we have a highly polarized argument; Sinéad O’Connor versus the Roman Catholic Church. Apparently, Sinéad won. When a Roman Catholic Irish woman converts to Islam, there must be an interesting story. Complexity is a good word to …