All posts filed under: z445

Study says there are over one million believers in Iran

According to an article by Lela Gilbert, a fellow at Hudson’ Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom, in the Washington Stand, there are over one million Christians in Iran. This is an incredible story considering how the government persecutes Christians in that country with a population of 88 million. Gilbert added that a secular group, Gamaan, based in the Netherlands came to that conclusion as a result of an extensive survey conducted in 2020. “There are far greater numbers of Christian believers in Iran than ever before — more than a million. In fact, those involved with the ‘house church’ movement in Iran are convinced that there are likely several million Christian believers there,” Gilbert wrote citing the survey. In fact, Christianity is flourishing in that country. The reason for this unbelievable explosion is best explained by a senior Christian leader in that country who told CBN in a 2019 interview: “What if I told you the mosques are empty inside Iran? What if I told you no one follows Islam inside of Iran? …What if …

San Francisco is turning into a ghost town

With hotels closing, businesses leaving and malls collapsing, downtown San Francisco has turned into a ghost town. And much of it can be blamed on a Democrat-controlled city council that has defunded the police and embraced a soft-on-crime policy where hardened criminals are often released the same day they are caught. Shoplifting is so rampant, that some stores are even putting candy behind lock and key, the Daily Mail reports. The Daily Mail interviewed a security guard at a Walgreens store that is still open in downtown San Francisco, who explained what he faces on a daily basis: ‘Theft is constant. For my company, this is the busiest store in San Francisco. We used to have two guys here but now it’s one so a lot of the time, I’ll be dealing with one person and someone else will be taking things. I can’t get them all.’  As if to prove his point, a bearded homeless man caught stealing hours earlier attempted to enter the store. Told he couldn’t enter and blocked, he screamed: ‘Excuse …

Those nuns at the baseball game. Who owns the microphone?

Have you heard of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence?  You might know about the L.A. Dodgers baseball team. I will skip the history, but they are no longer in Brooklyn.  Also, the month of June 2023 is being celebrated or commemorated as Pride Month. This has not been a commercial success, for some companies. You probably know about Bud Light Beer and Target Department Stores. Both have lost huge amounts of money.  You probably heard the stories. In Los Angeles California, the Dodgers’ management decided to celebrate with entertainment from a group known as the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.” This is a group of biological males, who dress something like Roman Catholic nuns and entertain audiences.  They can explain who they are, and what they promote, but it is clear that they are not Roman Catholic, and they don’t claim to be any kind of Christian. Many Catholics believe that the group is mocking their church. Christians of many denominations are offended by them. It is easy to be offended by gay or trans men …

¿Se presentará el Espíritu de Jezabel en los tiempos finales?

En este artículo, quiero hablar sobre la aparición del Espíritu de Jezabel en los tiempos finales. Hay una teoría circulando entre aquellos que estudian la teología de los últimos tiempos, que a medida que nos acercamos al segundo regreso de Cristo, vamos a ver un renacimiento de los dioses antiguos que una vez afligieron a Israel. Esta es la premisa del libro de Jonathan Cahn, El regreso de los dioses, donde Cahn argumenta que no necesariamente veremos ídolos de Baal apareciendo por todo el mundo, sino que los espíritus detrás de estos ídolos intentarán reafirmarse. Aunque estos ídolos generalmente se fabricaban con madera, arcilla o piedra para representar a varios dioses, los hebreos entendieron que había más en juego que solo la adoración de ídolos, ya que detrás de estos dioses había espíritus demoníacos y malignos. Leemos en Deuteronomio: Lo provocaron a celos con dioses extraños,Con abominaciones lo provocaron a ira.17 Ofrecieron sacrificios a demonios, no a Dios,A dioses que no habían conocido,Dioses nuevos que vinieron recientemente,A los que los padres de ustedes no temieron. (Deuteronomio …

Una Respuesta Cristiana a los OVNIs

Tomando una página del guión del éxito de taquilla de Hollywood, “Día de la Independencia”, un exoficial de inteligencia del Departamento de Defensa de Estados Unidos, David Grusch, asegura que el gobierno ha encontrado restos de naves espaciales alienígenas “intactas y parcialmente intactas”, e incluso los restos de seres alienígenas de otros planetas, según informa The Guardian. En una entrevista con Debrief, Grusch añadió que los funcionarios dentro del Departamento de Defensa de Estados Unidos están ocultando a propósito la información sobre estos hallazgos al Congreso de Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, en ningún momento durante la entrevista Grusch afirma haber visto personalmente estos vehículos alienígenas o los restos de sus pilotos. Luego, unos días más tarde, un profesor de la Universidad de Stanford, Garry Nolan, afirmó en una conferencia de Salt iConnections que está 100% convencido de que los extraterrestres de otros planetas están en la Tierra y han estado aquí por “mucho tiempo”. Al igual que Grusch, Nolan no afirma haber conocido personalmente uno. Entonces, ¿cómo deben reaccionar los creyentes a esta noticia? Jason …

A public school teacher who ripped a cross necklace off a student’s neck at a Tennessee school forced to apologize

A teacher at Hixson Middle School in Tennessee publicly humiliated a student as he entered the school library to attend a book fair, by telling him that he could not wear a cross necklace, CBN reports. According to the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), the teacher actually ripped the cross off the student’s neck. As soon as the student returned home and informed his parents about what had happened, they contacted the ACLJ, an organization dedicated to protecting Freedom of Religion across America. The ACLJ immediately sent a letter to the school informing it that the teacher had violated the constitutional rights of the student. “Students may display religious messages on items of clothing to the same extent that they are permitted to display other comparable messages. Religious messages may not be singled out for suppression, but rather are subject to the same rules as generally apply to comparable messages,” stated the ACLJ in its letter to the school. In an article, ACLJ executive director Jordan Sekulow provided more detail on the legality …

US Capitol Building, Washington, DC Credit: Jason OX4/Flickr/Creative Commons

White House Tweet that Children Belong to the State Sparks Backlash

Under Joseph Stalin, the Soviet Union’s Communist government was determined to end the influence of the family unit and have the state raise the children. Women were encouraged to have kids and then immediately get back to work and send their children off to state-run child care where their children could learn the glories of atheism and the Communist Revolution. It seems that the Biden administration is trying to play a similar card when it claimed at a recent Pride Event held at the White House, that the children belong to the state, not the parent. The Post Millennial provides more details: “These are our kids,” Biden’s video says, showing images of the White House bathed in Pride colors. “These are our nieghbors. Not somebody else’s kids; they’re all our kids.” Biden’s video that was sent out via Twitter immediately received pushback from many Conservatives. Elon Musk responded by stating, “You are the government. They are NOT your kids.” “Our kids are not fodder for the government,” Musk said in a later tweet. Republican Presidential …

Hundreds Gather to Dedicate the Site for the Construction of the World’s Largest Christian Landmark, the ‘Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer’

Hundreds of Christians gathered on land near Coleshill, Birmingham, England on Thursday, June 8, 2023, that was chosen as the site for the construction of the world’s largest Christian landmark called the Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer, Premier Christian News reports. The group made up of Christians from a variety of church backgrounds ranging from Greek Orthodox to Pentecostal prayed, blew shofars, and dedicated the land set aside for the project expected to be completed by 2026. As part of the dedication, the organizers set up ten prayer stations around the site that provided an overview of what the landmark will look like. Each station also had one story of answered prayer taken from a database of tens of thousands of instances of answered prayer gathered by the organizers. One person attending the event realized that he was actually the answer to a prayer mentioned at one of the stations. “It was the miraculous story of a baby proclaimed dead by the family’s GP, only to be found alive and healthy after an evening spent …

Youth homicides hit 20-year high in US, study reveals

According to the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the number of youth homicides involving those between the ages of 10 and 24 hit a 20-year-high in 2021, the Daily Caller reports. According to the report, there were 10.7 murders for every 100,000 in this age group in 2021, up from 8.3 homicides in 2016 and 7.3 in 2011. The increase in the number of deaths was more pronounced when you focussed on the older age groups. For those in the 15 to 19 age group, there were 12.9 homicides per 100,000 in 2021, up from 7.8 homicides in 2011. The 20 to 24 age group reported 18 homicides for every 100,000 up from 13 homicides in 2011. And it wasn’t just homicides, the report revealed that the number of suicides in the 10-24 age groups has also seen a significant increase: The Associated Press reported that the number of suicides by those in the early 20s (20 to 24) hit a 50-year-high in 2021 with 19.4 suicides per 100,000 people in that age group. …

Canadians are disgusted with Prime Minister Trudeau’s soft-on-crime policies, poll reveals

A recent poll revealed that Canadians are clearly sick and tired of Prime Minister Justin’s Trudeau soft-on-crime policies, the National Post reports. And it didn’t matter a person’s political leanings, age, or their walk of life, the disgust was universal. Under Trudeau, the federal government has instituted policies making it easy for hardened criminals to get out on bail. It also supports programs providing free (taxpayer-funded) hard drugs to addicts. The National Post writes about the results of a recent Postmedia/Leger poll: The statement “there are too many repeat violent offenders being offered bail” was endorsed by 79 per cent of those surveyed. A near-identical proportion (78 per cent) agreed with the statement “the justice system is too lenient on offenders who are found to be guilty of committing a violent crime.” Less than a third (32 per cent) agreed with the notion that Canada had a “firm and fair” justice system. READ: Canadians of all stripes fed up with government line on crime, drugs: poll And it appears YouTube is now working full time …

Mothers have a profound impact on their child’s faith, study finds

One of the findings in the American Bible Society’s 2023 State of the Bible report is that Christian mothers have a profound impact on the faith of their children, Christian Headlines reports The report found that for protestant moms, 75% of their children continued in the protestant faith or ‘other Christian’ as adults. For the remaining 25%, 19% became atheists or agnostics and 4% became Catholics. The numbers were not as high for Catholic mothers, where only 57% of their adult children continued in the Catholic faith. For the remainder 21% identified as atheists or agnostics, 14% classified themselves as ‘other Christian’ and 6% stated they were protestant. Meanwhile, for those adult children raised in atheistic or agnostic homes, 32% now described themselves as Christian. Mothers can have a profound impact on the faith of their children. This was acknowledged by the Apostle Paul in his second letter to Timothy, where the apostle discussed the impact that Timothy’s grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice had in the development of Timothy’s faith: “For I am mindful …