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Another Muslim Jihadist becomes a Christian because of a dream

Despite there brutal treatment of Christians, ISIS terrorists are turning to Christ because of dreams. Photo Video Capture/ABC News

Despite their brutal treatment of Christians, ISIS terrorists are turning to Christ because of dreams. Photo Video Capture/ABC News

Gospel Herald is reporting another conversion of an ISIS militant because of a dream. The report came via the Christian Aid Mission (CAM) who provides aid to indigenous groups in various countries around the world.

The ministry was providing help to a refugee family in Amman, Jordan. When a jihadist fighter of the family heard his relatives were receiving help from Christians, he decided to visit and deal with the “unclean pigs.”

When he arrived, the man actually went to a Christian meeting intending to slaughter the CAM missionaries. However, for some unknown reason he was unable to follow through with his plan.

According to director of CAM for the Middle East, that night the jihadist had a dream where Jesus appeared to him.

The next day he showed up at their ministry stating:

“I came to kill you, but last night I saw Jesus, I want to know what you are teaching — who is this one who held me up from killing you.”

The missionaries shared the Gospel with the terrorist and he accepted Christ and is now working in the church. The man was so overwhelmed by what happened he began sharing his faith with Muslims in the area resulting in him receiving several death threats from Muslim extremists.

According to the report there are three Salafist mosques in the area, which are the most violent of the Muslim sects.

There are two main Muslim groups within Islam — the Sunni and Shiites. The main difference between the two is the Sunni, who make up 85% of Muslims, believe the leadership of the Muslim faith can be held by any person. The Shiites believe only a direct descendant of the prophet Mohammad can lead the Muslims.

The Salafi is the ultra orthodox movement within the Sunnis. They support Sharia law and Jihad (war against the non-Muslims) and it was Salafists who started ISIS (Islamic State), which is the source of much of the conflict in the Middle East.

Muslims and dreams

There have been many reports of Muslims becoming Christians because they dreamed of Jesus. Part of the reason Muslims are open to Christ is because the Qur’an speaks of Jesus several times:

  • Jesus is called a prophet (Surah 2:136).
  • Jesus performed miracles: including healings (Surah 3:49) and raising the dead (Surah 3:49). Some Muslims consider Jesus the healing prophet.
  • Though the Qur’an states Jesus was born by a virgin birth to Mary (Surah 19:20), Muslims do not believe He is the “Son of God,” as this implies God had sex with Mary.
  • Muslims do not believe Jesus is God (Surah 19:88-92) and do not worship Him (Surah 5:116).
  • Muslims also do not believe Jesus died on the cross, but rather was taken to heaven before His death. The Qur’an states that the Romans deceived the Christians and crucified another person in Jesus’ place (Surah 4:157-158). In some ways this supersedes Muhammad who died.

Mario Joseph, a former Muslim Imam and now a Christian minister in India, states the Qur’an speaks more about Jesus than even Muhammad.

Because of the high regard Muslims hold for Jesus, when Christ speaks to them via dreams it can have a profound impact on them.

The Bible says God will move on people in the end times through dreams and visions:

And it shall be in the last days,’ God says,
That I will pour forth of My Spirit on all mankind;
And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
And your young men shall see visions,
And your old men shall dream dreams; (Acts 2:17 NASV).

Though familiar with this verse, for some reason I never expected non-Christians to have these dreams. However, the Bible records several instances of God speaking to people through dreams and several were not believers.

This included Pilate’s wife (Matthew 27:19), who because of a dream she received, encouraged her husband to release Jesus because He was innocent. Actually the way she spoke of the dream suggests it was more of a nightmare. She said, “last night I suffered greatly in a dream because of Him.”

There were also the prophetic dreams that the Egyptian Pharaoh had that played a key role in Joseph rising to second in command in Egypt (Genesis 41) because of his ability to interpret the pharaoh’s dreams.


1 Comment

  1. so nice.miracle of God .God is wonderful.Jesus d son of God.we are d sons n daughter of God.Jesus we believe u are son of God.


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