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California hit by earthquake swarms

Aerial photo of San Andreas Fault, California
San Andreas Fault, California
Credit: Ikluft, Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 4.0

In the days leading up to His second coming, Jesus warned that earthquakes were going to be a thing (Luke 21:11).

So perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that California has been hit by an earthquake swarm, Michael Snyder reports in his article for Charisma News.

Earthquake swarms typically involve dozens, in some instances hundreds, of small earthquakes, hitting a particular area in a short period. These can be concerning because they can be warnings that a much larger earthquake is imminent

Snyder stated that he first became aware of the earthquake swarms from an article in the LA Times.

This led him to check out the Southern California Earthquake Data Center, where he found out that an area on the border of California and Nevada had been hit by over 1,010 earthquakes in the past seven days.

That works out to an average of over six an hour. The largest of those quakes was 4.1 magnitude that hit near Imperial City.

But this wasn’t the only earthquake swarm to hit California in the past month.

Another took place along the California and Mexico border, about a week earlier. There were two dozen earthquakes in that swarm and a third swarm hit near the town of Mexicali, in the Baja Peninsula, that same week.

But California is not the only area of the world to be hit by an earthquake swarm.

CNN reports that a 4.4 magnitude earthquake hit the cauldron of a Super Volcano, Campi Flegrei, in Italy on Monday, May 20, 2024.

It was the strongest earthquake to hit this vulnerable area in the past 40 years and was part of a swarm of 12 earthquakes of 2.0+ magnitude that hit the cauldron in the past 48 hours.

There are concerns that this may be an indication of a magma build-up beneath the surface and if that volcano erupted it would endanger over half a million people. It could also potentially emit enough ash to impact the world’s climate by blocking the sun.

It was the prophet Joel who warned that volcanos are also going to be a thing in the end times, warning of “blood and fire and columns of smoke” before the coming Day of the Lord. Joel even hinted at the potential climatic effect of these eruptions, when he added that “The sun shall be turned to darkness,” (Joel 2:30-32).

But in the midst of this, Joel noticed another thing would be taking place. It would be accompanied by a massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Joel 2:28).

112 | The world’s greatest earthquake

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