All posts tagged: Slain in the Spirit

A painting of a Methodist meeting in 1819 during the Second Great Awakening,

118 | Have you been filled with the Holy Spirit?

The Bible talks about a Second work of grace, after salvation, where believers are filled with the Holy Spirit. It through this Baptism of the Holy Spirit that we can be empowered like the early church.

Slain in the Spirit

One of the more controversial manifestations associated with the Charismatic movement is what is referred to as being slain in the Spirit. This occurs when people are so overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit that they are no longer able to stand and collapse uncontrollably to the ground It usually takes place in a group setting and is often accompanied by prayer or laying on of hands. Though I have never personally experienced it myself, I have been in several services where I witnessed it happenings. Others who have experienced it, said they felt an electrical flow entering their body forcing them to fall to the ground, Part of the controversy surrounding being slain in the Spirit is that we have no actual teaching on the subject in the Bible and only a few recorded instances of it taking place. Perhaps the most notable took place in the Garden of Gethsemane when the Chief priests along with somewhere between 300 and 600 Roman soldiers showed up to arrest Christ. When Christ asked why they were there, …

Why Do People Sometimes Collapse in the Presence of God?

By Rick Renner And when I [John] saw him [Christ], I fell at his feet as dead…— Revelation 1:17 Over my years of serving God, I have noticed that often when people have encounters with God, they physically fall. Sometimes they fall forward, and at other times they fall backward. Still at other times, they simply collapse onto the ground. I have seen this in many meetings — and I experienced it as a young man. I can tell you, the experience was real. My experience occurred the first time I ventured out from my Baptist church and attended a Pentecostal type of service. Just prior to that, I had been released from the hospital where I had been diagnosed with a kidney condition — one that I was born with — that was very serious. It was so serious that to try to correct it required surgery that was considered life-threatening. When the man praying for the sick in this Pentecostal meeting invited the sick to come forward, I went to the front to …

Ironman triathlete tells of his incredible healing and being “slain in the Spirit”

Paul Hickman believed Christianity was for “weak-minded” people. He considered it little more than a “crutch.” But Paul, 61, had a problem. Major back surgery decades years earlier left him in excruciating pain. To deal with the pain, he took 20 pain killers daily, but it had little effect. He even attempted suicide in a failed attempt to escape the incessant torment. In an interview with Inspire Magazine, Paul tells tells of a miraculous healing that changed his life. Paul was invited to a Christian sports dinner by former professional soccer player Mick Mellow who along with Linvoy Primus, another former soccer pro, operate a program called Faith and Football. At the dinner, event speaker Bob Maine invited people who needed healing to come forward for prayer.