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Spiritual warfare: Amazon Prime’s ‘Hazbin Hotel’ portrays evil as good

Satan's temptation of Christ by Ary Scheffer
Satan’s temptation of Christ by Ary Scheffer (1854)
Wikipedia/Public Domain

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20 ESV)

There is no doubt in my mind, that the Holy Spirit is starting to move in America, and it shouldn’t surprise us if the satanic realm will attempt to strike back.

But how it’s happening is particularly deceptive.

Christian Learning recently wrote about the trailer for Amazon Prime’s new animated cartoon series that will portray Satan as a hero and God as evil.

The series, entitled, “Hazbin Hotel” will star Satan, portrayed as one of the angels of Heaven. He will marry Lilith, which Jewish tradition states is a satanic sexual spirit, and some believe was actually the first wife of Adam.

The satanic duo will also have a son who starts a rehab center at the hotel.

It’s billed as “Heaven and Hell like you have never seen it before.”

“The cartoon portrays Lucifer as an unsung hero, fostering sympathy towards him,” writes Christa in her article for Christian Learning. “Christians must remain vigilant, as they can also be influenced by the enemy’s strategy of portraying evil as good and good as evil.”

It is a call to prayer.

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