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LA Times’ editor begs Californians not to criticize failed liberal policies as they flee the state

Abandoned gas station in Lancaster, California
Lancaster, California
Credit: Carl Nenzen,

Fox News is reporting on a bizarre op-ed entitled, “Commentary: If you want to leave, fine. But don’t insult California on the way out.”, written by the LA Times‘ letter’s editor, Paul Thornton.

In his article, he begged those fleeing California not to criticize the state as they were leaving.

“To the people leaving California: May the road rise to meet you as you seek better lives in new places. Now, can you please extend some goodwill to those of us who remain?” Thornton wrote in his article published on Sat. Jan. 20, 2024.

The article shows how real the exodus has been in the state, as Thornton spoke of family members who were among those who abandoned the state.

“More than 800,000 Californians moved away in 2022, and many thousands more left last year. Often, the departees, cash in hand from the sale of their $1-million bungalows, feel the need to express disdain for their home state, and even some anger too,” Thornton wrote.

He noted that even his relative who fled California was asked not to bring with them those “those weird California ways” when they arrived at their new home in another state.

His desire to cover up the real reasons people are leaving also exposes California’s failed liberal agenda, as the reason for the exodus.

Thornton then goes on an unhinged rant defending the state’s liberal policies, which include even more government spending as the state faces serious revenue shortfalls.

It’s a classic tale of what happens in every failed socialist state that runs out of other people’s money.

Aside from uncontrolled government spending, people are citing rampant crime, homelessness, increasing taxes, and the cost of living as reasons for their moves.

A day of reckoning is coming for California, and Thorton along with those who remain will pay the price.

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