All posts tagged: why did you doubt

Choosing faith over fear

The world is completely rattled right now. All the media can talk about is the Coronavirus. We are being bombarded 24 hours a day. Governments are taking extreme measures to try to contain the Coronavirus. The stock market is in a free fall. Business are closing down. And now news is circulating that a second massive locust swarm is building that could devastate Africa a second time this year. The world is being shaken. Jesus promised birth pangs prior to His second coming that included earthquakes, plagues and famines (Matthew 24:7-8; Luke 21:9-12). But here is the important thing about birth pangs, they are just the warm up, meaning the big show is yet to come. I have to admit I am feeling a bit rattled by just the birth pangs and it makes me wonder how I will function when God’s main event takes the stage. During these critical times we have choices to make. It is not how I will respond to the Coronavirus, it is how will I respond to fear? The …