All posts tagged: what is the purpose of fasting

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Spiritual Warfare: The Purpose of Fasting

Though there are different types of fasts, the most common definition is abstaining from eating food. This can be for one meal, a full day, or perhaps even three days. But what does it accomplish? What is the reason for our fasting? I am convinced that one major reason we should fast is for spiritual warfare. When the Holy Spirit led Jesus into a confrontation with Satan in the wilderness, Jesus prepared Himself by fasting for 40 days (Matthew 4:1-2). This was not a battle with a lower-level demon or even a fallen angel, it was with the god or ruler of this world. It was a spiritual battle with the master of lies and deception, which Jesus defeated, and not coincidentally Jesus fasted before this spiritual battle of the ages. I believe fasting is one of the unmentioned ‘weapons of our warfare’ which Paul says is ‘divinely powerful’ to destroy ‘fortresses’ (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). Paul then goes on to describe these fortresses as being in our minds, thoughts, arguments, and beliefs that oppose the …