All posts tagged: Persecution of Christians in Mexico

Tulancingo, Hildalgo State, Mexico

Mexico: Persecution of Christians who refused to participate in Catholic services

Over the past few years, protestant Christians in certain areas of Mexico have been encountering persecution and censorship, particularly in the state of Hidalgo, located in Southern Mexico, the Christian Post reports. On April 26, 2024, 150 Christians, who are members of the Great Commission Baptist Church were driven from their homes after they refused to bend the knee to government officials and support Catholicism. This included forced attendance at Catholic festivals and as well donations to the Catholic Church. Previously, government officials had tried to pressure these Christians into participating by denying them access to public services. However, their continued refusal to comply resulted in the government taking more extreme actions. In his article for the Christian Post, Anugrah Kumar provides more details: In December 2022, a church member was hospitalized in critical condition after being tied to a tree and beaten by village leaders, according to a previous report by CSW. Other community members have faced arbitrary detention, beatings, denial of medical care, job dismissals, blocked access to burial sites, and land confiscation. …