All posts tagged: King Solomon wisdom Bible

Who would Solomon choose?

When he was good, he was very good, but when he was bad, he was very bad. During his good days, King Solomon, the son of David through Bathsheba, was considered among the wisest men in the world (1 Kings 4:30). A political survey conducted in 2020 may have a startling connection to one of King Solomon’s decisions that revealed his wisdom. In early January, a group called The College Fix had the University of Massachusetts-Lowell Center for Public Opinion survey Democrats living in New Hampshire eligible to vote in the Democratic New Hampshire primary. They wanted to find out how Democrats felt about President Trump winning a second term as President in 2020. They were asked if they would prefer President Trump winning the 2020 presidential election over a meteor that would wipe out all life on the planet earth. According to the survey, 64% of the 400 Democrats surveyed would rather have a meteor “extinguishing all human life” over President Trump winning a second term as the US President. The numbers varied a …