All posts filed under: z518

Children anwering math questions on a blackboard

Study finds that the cost of educating a child in a public school is significantly higher than in a private school

According to a study published by JustFacts, the average cost of educating a child in the government-funded, public school system is significantly higher than the cost of funding a child in a private school. According to its research, the cost of raising a child in the public school system in the 2019-20 school year worked out to $17,013 per child. In comparison, the cost of educating a child in a private school worked out to just $9,709 for the same year. This means that public school costs are 75% higher than private schools However, public schools also serve a disproportionately higher number of children with disabilities, once that was factored in, JustFacts estimated that the public schools’ costs were just 58% higher than private schools. JustFacts added that these calculations are in line with a similar study conducted by the Federal Department of Education (DOE) in 1995. Its study determined that the average cost for educating a child in private schools in the 1991-92 school year, worked out to between $3,350-$3,600 per student compared to …

Russell Brand in September 2020

Russell Brand explains why he is reading the Bible more and now wears a Christian cross

Popular YouTuber and controversial British comedian and actor, Russel Brand, 48, recently posted a short video on X explaining why he is now wearing a Christian cross. Brand explained in his video, “Christianity and in particular, the figure of Christ are it seems to me inevitably becoming more important as I become more familiar with suffering, purpose, self and not self.” He also added that he now reads the Bible more and is also reading a popular Christian book, The Purpose Driven Life, written by Rick Warren. At the end of his video, Russell invited people to respond to what he had to say. Many responded by encouraging him in his spiritual journey. According to CBN, Brand’s post also prompted a response from mega Church pastor, Greg Laurie, who posted: Brand, who was once married to American Pop Singer Katy Perry, has over 6.4 million followers on his YouTube Channel, where he often discusses political and cultural issues. His videos have been viewed over a billion times. He has recently faced legal challenges from women …

Canadian Prime Minister Justin-Trudeau

Federal court ruled that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s imposition of the Emergencies Act was illegal

A Canadian federal court has just ruled that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s reckless decision to invoke the country’s Emergencies Act during the 2022 trucker protests was illegal and unjustified, the National Post reports. Canada’s Emergencies Act is intended for serious threats such as espionage, terrorism, or the potential overthrow of the government, said Justice Mosley who oversaw the case. The judge added that though the protest, which included blockages at Canada’s international border with the US, caused economic hardship, it did not rise anywhere near the level of a national emergency required by Canadian law. The judge added that the invoking of the Emergencies Act violated the rights of Canadians guaranteed under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Trudeau used the dictatorial powers given him under the act to seize the bank accounts of those allegedly involved in the protests and to force truck towing companies to remove trucks that were participating in the protests. The Canadian Constitutional Foundation, along with several civil liberties groups, took the Trudeau government to court over the invoking …

Jim Harbaugh, head coach of the Michigan Wolverine's college football team.

‘Mini revival’ took place last year on Michigan Wolverine’s football team, says head coach Jim Harbaugh

Yesterday, we reported on how God is moving among young men in Finland. This has resulted in a significant increase in the number of those aged 15 to 29 who attend church, triple the number of young women who attend. Today, we are discussing how a similar thing took place last year among the players of the University of Michigan Wolverines. The team won the 2024 US College football championship, beating the second-ranked Washington Huskies 34-13 in a game played on Jan. 8, 2024. However, in addition to winning championships on the football field, there were also victories in the spiritual realm this past season. In an interview with sports commentator Jon Root, Wolverine head coach, Jim Harbaugh shared how nearly 70 of the 100+ players on the football team were water baptized in 2023 as part of their declaration of faith in Christ, CBN reports. The Root and Harbaugh were attending the annual pro-life rally in Washington, DC when the interview took place. Harbaugh went on to describe what happened among his players as …

Abandoned gas station in Lancaster, California

LA Times’ editor begs Californians not to criticize failed liberal policies as they flee the state

Fox News is reporting on a bizarre op-ed entitled, “Commentary: If you want to leave, fine. But don’t insult California on the way out.”, written by the LA Times‘ letter’s editor, Paul Thornton. In his article, he begged those fleeing California not to criticize the state as they were leaving. “To the people leaving California: May the road rise to meet you as you seek better lives in new places. Now, can you please extend some goodwill to those of us who remain?” Thornton wrote in his article published on Sat. Jan. 20, 2024. The article shows how real the exodus has been in the state, as Thornton spoke of family members who were among those who abandoned the state. “More than 800,000 Californians moved away in 2022, and many thousands more left last year. Often, the departees, cash in hand from the sale of their $1-million bungalows, feel the need to express disdain for their home state, and even some anger too,” Thornton wrote. He noted that even his relative who fled California was asked …