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God is on the Move: The Holy Spirit poured out at US Party School, and Hundreds Spontaneously Baptized

Florida State University's Westcott Fountain
Hundreds of students were water baptized at Florida State University’s Westcott Fountain after a Praise and worship event at the University on Feb. 15, 2024.
Photo: Florida State University’s Westcott Fountain Credit: Wikipedia, Public Domain

I am not sure what is going on, but over the past couple of years, there have been outbreaks of the Holy Spirit at universities, and meetings across the US.

I believe something is building, God is on the move.

The most recent involves Florida State University (FSU). With a student population of 45,000, the university has the reputation of being a party school. According to the website Niche, FSU is ranked as the second-biggest party university in the US, based on reviews by students.

However, in a recent Instagram Post, NY Times best-selling author, Jennie Allen, reported that hundreds of students were baptized in the school’s Westcott Fountain after 4,500 students attended a free worship event on Feb. 15, 2024, CBN reports.

“Hundreds of students came forward to trust Jesus. We can’t explain what’s happening apart from the Spirit,” writes Allen. Some put the number being baptized at close to 1,000.

This response and desire to be baptized was completely spontaneous.

“4,500 Florida State University (one of the biggest party schools in the nation) students confessed struggles and sin tonight. Hundreds came forward to trust Christ,” writes Allen in a second post.

“We baptized hundreds in a fountain usually used for partying and worse. And it’s all just the beginning. It literally is everywhere I go right now,” Allen continued

And this is what really caught my attention, “And this is them singing and dancing as they head to spontaneous baptisms,” she added.

Praise and worship are vital because they act as catalysts for the moving of the Holy Spirit.

David writes, that ‘God inhabits the praises of his people’ (Psalm 22:3). But the word inhabit or dwells encompasses so much more it also includes the idea of enthronement.

God is the ruler of Heaven and Earth (Ephesians 1:21), but for a brief period, because of man’s choices, Satan has dominion over the earth (2 Corinthians 4:4).

But when true praise and worship take place on Earth, God exerts His authority downward. God asserts His authority on Earth at the location, because of the worship of his people.

When this happens, the Holy Spirit moves with power on people’s lives.

The praise and worship event at the university called Unite FSU was sponsored by the Unite Movement, a group of students dedicated to organizing meetings at universities across the US.

It was birthed out of a pouring out of the Holy Spirit at Alabama’s Auburn University in September 2023.

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