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The cost of following Christ in Uganda

Two people riding a motorbike on a dirt road in Uganda.
Uganda Credit: Melissa Askew/

According to a report by Morning Star News, four Ugandan children are now orphans after their former Muslim parents were murdered for becoming believers in Jesus.

The two parents, Twaha Namwoyo and Nadiimu Katooko, had been Christians for two months when neighbors heard loud shouting at their home late at night.

This included threats that “Twaha is to reap the fruits of leaving Islam,” one neighbor reported. Moments later, “I heard loud wailing coming out of Twaha’s house,” the neighbor added.

The next day, police found the bodies of the bodies of Twaha and Nadiimu at the home, along with their four children, aged two to seven, who were still alive.

According to the neighbor, police also found “several long Somali swords, knives and axe” at the murder scene, which the neighbor believed were left as a warning to other Muslims thinking of leaving Islam.

Twaha and Nadiimu were led to the Lord by a member of the village who had been sharing and praying for them for six months. The friend even warned that they needed to be secretive about their faith in Jesus.

Uganda has a population of 48 million. According to the latest estimates, 84% are Christian and 14% are Muslim, who are concentrated in the Eastern part of the country.

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