All posts tagged: Potential schism in Roman Catholic Church

Is a potential split looming in the Roman Catholic Church?

There have been two major schisms in the Roman Catholic Church. The first took place in 1054 AD, when two groups split forming what would become the Orthodox and Catholic churches. The split was primarily over what patriarch controlled the church and the use of icons. The second occurred in 1517 after Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on the door of his church in Wittenberg, Germany calling for reform of the Catholic Church because of its rampant corruption. The church’s rejection of these changes led to the formation of the protest or protestant church. Now there is talk of a third major schism or division due to the recent attempts by Pope Francis to liberalize the Roman Catholic Church, WND reports. In addition to moving the church away from its traditional views including allowing priests to bless same-sex unions, Pope Francis has also been removing or sanctioning Conservative Bishops who oppose his progressive changes. This included Joseph Strickland, a popular Texas bishop. According to an article by Eric Lyman in Just the News, these …