All posts tagged: list of theaters showing unplanned in Canada

‘Free speech’ victory: The Unplanned movie will now be shown in Canada

In what many believe is a battle for free speech in Canada, the movie Unplanned will finally be shown in selected theaters across Canada between July 12th and 18th. The controversial movie starring Ashley Bratcher portrays the story of Abby Johnson’s conversion from a former director of a Planned Parenthood abortion facility in the US to a strong pro-life advocate in 2009. Abby walked out of Planned Parenthood after being traumatized as she watched the abortion of a 13-week-old baby. The movie was shown in selected theaters across the US earlier in the year earning revenues of $18 million compared to production costs of $14 million. For two weeks it ranked as one of the top ten most watched movies in American theaters. Though Rotten Tomato Reviewers hated the movie, often a good indicator it is probably worth seeing, the viewer rating was overwhelming positive. When there were talks of Unplanned being shown in Canada there was a huge uproar on social media with some theaters actually receiving threats if they decided to show the …