All posts tagged: Christian flag

US Supreme Court: Boston agrees to pay $2.1 million for refusing to fly Christian flag

After a US Supreme Court ruling the city of Boston has agreed to pay $2.1 million in legal fees and other expenses after it refused to fly a Christian flag outside its city hall five years ago, the Daily Wire reports. Between 2005 and 2017, the city had allowed flags from all requesting organizations to fly on flagpoles on city hall property. However, when Camp Constitution requested a Christian flag to be raised in 2017 on Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, the city refused citing that it was a Christian Flag. With the help of Liberty Counsel, Camp Constitution successfully sued the city of Boston in a case that ultimately ended up in the US Supreme Court which ruled in a unanimous decision that the city’s refusal violated the First Amendment Speech Clause. The Daily Wire provides more details. The settlement included an agreement to pay Harold Shurtleff and his Camp Constitution non-profit for legal costs incurred during the dispute. “We are pleased that after five years of litigation and a unanimous victory at the …