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Is the Scottish police’s anti-hate poster actually a bigoted, hate poster?

Edinburgh, Scotland Credit: Ethan Trewhitt/Flickr/Creative Commons

Edinburgh, Scotland Credit: Ethan Trewhitt/Flickr/Creative Commons

Barnabas Fund is an organization dedicated to helping Christians being persecuted for their faith around the world. The organization has offices set up in over 50 countries that are typically run by nationals.

Though headquartered in England, Barnabas Fund recently made an accusation against the Scottish police for promoting hatred of Christians. This was the first time, Barnabas Fund had ever made such a charge in England where the organization was founded.

The charge was the result of a poster campaign the Scottish police ran in October in c0njunction with an organization called One Scotland. The posters had the logo of the Scottish police displayed along the bottom.

One of the posters started off with “Dear Bigot” and reads:

“Division seems to be what you believe in. We don’t want your religious hate on our buses, on our streets and in our communities. We don’t want you spreading your intolerance. Or making people’s lives a misery because of their religious dress. You may not have faith in respect and love, but we do. That’s why if we see or hear your hate, we’re reporting you. End of sermon.”

The clear references to belief and faith and “religious hate” reveals that it was targeting religious groups. And when it ends with the phrase “End of sermon,” the poster leaves no doubt it was directed at Christians accusing them along with other things of mocking people of their “religious dress,” which many suspect was a vague reference to Muslims.

Is the Scotland Police's hate poster actually a bigoted, hate poster?

Is the Scottish police’s hate poster actually a bigoted, hate poster?

A second poster read simply:

“You can’t spread your religious hate here. End of sermon.”

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Rev David Robertson responded to the Scottish police posters stating:

“It is an absolute contradiction — a poster that is supposed to be against hatred that then encourages hatred. I showed my congregation the poster and they couldn’t believe it. It’s basically a poster that says if you are religious then you are a bigot.”

Others wondered if the posters were actually endangering and marginalizing Christians by promoting state-approved hatred against them”

The Catholic church also issued a comment about the Scottish police’s bigotry campaign against Christians stating;

“The campaign has wrongly suggested that religious hate crimes are perpetuated by religious believers. There is no evidence to suggest that this is the case.”

Barnabas Fund expressed concerns that because the posters were stating Christians are solely responsible for hate crimes in Scotland were Scottish police in fact committing a hate crime. The organization made an official complaint which the poster asked people to do if they witnessed such activity.

Of course, the Scottish police are the ones who decide what qualifies as a hate crime. Effectively you have the fox guarding the hen-house.

After painstakingly going through their two posters for 60 days (ironically breaking the law that requires a decision within 56 days), the police department decided its posters weren’t hate crimes.

This is typical of elitists who consider themselves above the rules that they impose on others who are below them.


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