Blinded by a theory?

It has been a problem that has haunted evolutionists for years — how did ribonucleic acid (RNA) evolve? According to the RNA Society, “Ribonucleic acid, or RNA is one of the three major biological macromolecules that are essential for all known forms of life (along with DNA and proteins).” It is a required cog for producing enzymes. However, there was a major evolutionary problem. Since RNA requires its own enzymes to replicate, it was impossible for RNA to evolve without enzymes. It was the old what came first — the chicken or the egg. Since the enzyme could only be created by RNA and it could only replicate with the enzyme, both had to spontaneously appear at exactly the same time for it to evolve. It sounds more like creation than evolution. But in 2016 Nobel Prize laureate Jack Szostak, a genetics professor at Harvard Medical School,  wrote a paper stating he had discovered how RNA replicated without the required enzyme paving the way for its evolution. It was a ground-breaking announcement that fell in … Continue reading Blinded by a theory?