Bible, Spiritual, Women, z3
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A Woman’s Perspective: Change

God wants people who are willing to change. Image: somedriftwood/foter/CC BY-NC

God wants people who are willing to change. Image: somedriftwood/foter/CC BY-NC

[by Linda Wilson] When everything is changing, it feels like shifting ground beneath my feet. I have felt this many times and I’m sure I will feel it again.

After all things change: people move on, children grow up, careers end. The list is unending really. Change is inevitable, whether I like it or not.

I went through a season of change this past summer and fall. Firstly, I was dealing with some health issues and reduced work hours. Also, in October my daughter had surgery and my husband had some medical tests, both on the same day. But the biggest change came when my son moved away for work after graduating from university.

This was a lot of change. I remember my emotions were very raw after the move and everything felt unfamiliar. I was used to his friends coming and going and now everything was so quiet.

I did the best I could, but often felt I was just going through the motions.

However, I have found during seasons like this, there is one thing I can do – I can hold onto my unchanging God. I look to His word and it comforts me.

‘ But You are the same, and Your years will not come to and end.’ (Psalm 102:27 NASB)

‘For I the Lord do not change.’ (Malachi 3:6a. NASB)

‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yes and forever.’ (Hebrews 13:8 NASB)

Although difficult, I do realize change is necessary and good. Author and speaker, Rachel Hickson founder of Heartcry for Change based in Oxford England, said something at a recent conference that challenged me. She said:

‘Although God is unchangeable, He is looking for people who are able to change.’

Perhaps this is because as I change, there is hope that something new can begin.

So there it is – God is always the same. But the question is will I embrace change? Will I believe good can come from change?

I know the answers will come, as I trust Him with all the changes life may bring.


  1. I liked this write-up Linda Wilson. So true as I know change is fearful depending on what it is for me. You write very well and it is what I needed to read so glad you are able to write about it!


  2. Linda Wilson says

    Thanks Donna. I don’t like change very much, but it is something I need to embrace for sure.


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